Witness to the murder in “Nana”: it was not known who was beating whom


The bartender of the “Nana” nightclub in Belgrade, Prvoslav Korprivica, testified today at the trial of Nedeljko Grbovic, a member of the security of this restaurant accused of the murder of Aleksandar Savkovic in December 2017. The witness said he did not see the fatal shooting but the fight that preceded it. He also said that he heard that Savković threatened Grbović and cursed him.

Writes: Bojana Pavlović

Koprivica said that on the night of the murder, Savković and his friends arrived at “Nana” around 4 in the morning and asked for booths. The club was not crowded as guests only arrived when other clubs closed. He didn’t serve his table, but he could see what was going on.

“At first, everything was fine, but some guys came and said they were Red Star fans. They started cooking, they started shooting at each other, competing in drinking and ordering songs, they stole the microphone from the singer,” said Koprivica .

Meanwhile, as guests arrived, security approached them and asked them to leave.

“I saw that there was a crowd, a general commotion, some were taken out, dragged by the arms,” ​​said the witness.

Koprivica said he did not leave immediately because he was clearing up the mess that remained in the cabin. He then stood at the door with the other waiters to collect bills from guests who started to leave the club due to discomfort. From there he could see what was happening outside, and there “it was not known who was hitting whom.”

According to him, Nedeljko Grbović, a member of the club’s security, accused of shooting Savković and wounding his friend Adi Isenović, approached to defuse the situation, but received several blows.

The witness said that the “skinny” hit Grbović more on the back, when later he learned that he was injured, and whose name he did not remember, so the judge mentioned that he was Isenović. He also said that Savković hit Grbović, however in this part his testimony sounded unconvincing. Koprivica couldn’t remember who was standing and where, so at one point he said the youngsters surrounded Grbović.

“This is the first time we heard this from you at trial,” said Judge Marina Andjelkovic, who was trying to make sure the testimony was true by asking sub-questions.

Koprivica justified his inaccuracy in his testimony by saying that the events occurred quickly, that he was collecting bills and did not see everything that happened. He said Grbović raised his hand at one point and they heard a gunshot.

“We didn’t even know that someone had been hit,” the witness said, adding that waiters entered. The next time he went out, he saw Savković, accompanied by two young men, approaching Grbović, threatening and cursing him.

“I heard him say ‘we will fuck your mother, we will kill you and your son,’ and Grba replied, ‘Don’t do it, Savka, please,'” she said.

“He kept going towards Grbovic and made a movement with his left hand,” said the witness, noting that Savkovic touched his belt and noted that they believed he had drawn a weapon.

The witness claims that he did not see the fatal shot, as well as the previous one. The next time he came out, Savković was on the ground, and Grbović called them to call an ambulance and left, forgetting to turn on the lights.

He said that Savković had problems with security at this club before because he often came armed. At one point, Savković was banned from coming to the club, but he showed up the next day with the “scorpion” and asked, “Do I have a problem with you?”

However, Koprivica insisted that Grbović was otherwise a sober and calm man, that he defused the fights and turned them into a joke, and that he was very surprised when he learned that it was he who shot.

Grbovic’s mental state was the subject of the continuation of the trial, as the court ordered a new expert opinion. Grbović changed his statement during the procedure: he first admitted the crime and then withdrew it, saying that he did not remember the event at all. Later he kept his first statement.

Expert: Grbović fired in anger

The expert witness Bojana Kecman carried out the expert opinion again and pointed out that, based on the changes in her testimony, she established that Grbović was in a “mood of anger of medium intensity” at the time of the murder.

As she explained, a man feels fear and anger when threatened. The response to fear is escape and anger is an attack. Therefore, from Grbović’s reaction, she concluded that she acted in anger. Since she recalled the event, there was no narrowing of consciousness, which characterized it as moderate in intensity.

However, the expert advisor Milutin Nenadović, when hired by the defense, claims that it is a fear of high intensity.

Nenadović refuted what the expert witness said and began asking him questions, adding that he was his teacher. This infuriated the judge who warned him not to take the exam.

“If you didn’t ask him then, you won’t now. We are not here to hear the definitions,” the judge said.

He questioned the counselor for a long time because he thought his finding was not sufficiently substantiated.

In addition to Grbović, members of the security, Stevan Dukić, Stefan Šapurić and Miloš Tančev, are being tried in this procedure, but for participating in the fight.

The murdered Savković was a member of a criminal group of fanatics led by Aleksandar Stanković called Sale Mutavi and was convicted of various crimes. Read more about Savkovic here.

Read all the news of this test
