Marjanović’s lawyer on the REVERSE in the investigation of the singer’s murder


THE TRUTH THAT THE MOBILE OPERATOR'S REPORT IS ACCURATE: Marjanovic's lawyer on a TURNOVER to shed light on the singer's murder

Photo: Marina Lopicic, Dragan Kadic

“It is true that the mobile operator’s report is accurate, but we will testify in more detail at the next trial,” Zoran Marjanović’s lawyer told Kurir Nikola Dumnić.

Let me remind you, the mobile operator’s report whose user was Zoran Marjanović at the time of the murder of his wife Jelena, the singer of “Granda”, on the Borča embankment on April 2, 2016, could shed new light on the crime, as it indicates that Marjanović did not physically turn off his telephone, according to the forensic expert’s report.

As Kurir learns, the report that reached the Belgrade High Court states that the login, that is, the reconnection of the intentionally turned off device would be recorded online.

– In November last year, a telecommunications judicial expert told the court that Marjanović deliberately turned off his mobile phone at the time of the murder of his wife Jelena, claiming that the fact that the reconnection was not recorded does not mean that he had not done so. . physically turn off the phone. However, the mobile phone operator’s statement, which has now reached the court, could lead to a reversal, a source familiar with the case tells Kurir.

( JR- JS)

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