Who are the president’s talks sold to?



04.01.2021. 09:06

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Tanjug / Rade Prelić

The Transparency Council for Surveillance, Human Rights and the Fight Against Corruption requires the competent services to break the chain of wiretapping of the President of the Republic of Serbia from any center, and supports the efforts of Minister Vulin to cleanse the police of unscrupulous officials .

Mario Spasić

Mario Spasić, Photo: Printscreen youtube

Mario Spasić, Secretary General of the Council, stated that a serious danger to the national security of the Republic of Serbia is precisely the wiretapping of the President, and that such activity must be discovered, decisively prevented and severely punished. It is quite clear that since the communist era there has been a relic of “KNOW everything”, that is, unscrupulous individuals give themselves the right, by secret methods, to spy whenever they want, but they do not stop spying on the president himself. A particular problem is the suspicion that they are doing it in the interest of foreign security services, undermining national security and collapsing the security system as such. It is very important for Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin to be determined and uncompromising, at all costs, to finally find out who is listening at the center of the security system without authorization. President Aleksandar Vučićas well as who was the target of the wiretapping and to whom the collected information was sold.
