We will not change our position on the independence of Kosovo


Recently, foreign media reported that Spain has renounced its position against the independence of Kosovo and will recognize it if an agreement is reached between Kosovo and Serbia.

“We would like to inform you that, according to the current situation, Spain has no reason to change its position, which is completely in accordance with international law,” the Spanish ICJ told Lajmi.

They also claim that their attitude towards Kosovo’s independence is not unjust, but is, on the contrary, fully in accordance with international law.

When asked if the agreement between Kosovo and Serbia will open the possibility for Spanish state authorities to recognize Kosovo’s independence, the Spanish ICJ said it supports the dialogue.

As said, they did not give a definitive answer on the recognition or non-recognition of Kosovo’s independence in the event of an agreement being reached, but they have a more relaxed attitude towards this issue.

“We will continue to support the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina with the aim of reaching a comprehensive political agreement on the final status of the territory of Kosovo,” the Spanish ICJ said in a response.

Spain does not recognize the independence of Kosovo because it considers it unilateral and contrary to international law. Another important reason why Spain does not recognize Kosovo is because it sees it as the same setting as Catalonia.

According to reports from foreign media and other European Union countries that do not recognize Kosovo, Spain will follow the example of recognizing Kosovo after reaching an agreement with Serbia, according to Lajmi.

On the other hand, the non-recognition of these five member states of the European Union hampered Kosovo in the integration process and in attempts to join foreign organizations, but also in the matter of visa liberalization.

It is claimed that some time ago it was also announced that Greece has changed its hitherto specific position against Kosovo’s independence and reconsidered the possibility of recognizing Kosovo’s independence.

Greece, Spain, Cyprus, Romania and Slovakia are five EU member states that have not recognized Kosovo’s independence.
