Here’s if there will be a change in retirement age!



03.25.2021. 23:17

There will be no increase in the retirement age, and the proposed amendments to the Pension and Disability System Law, which is in public discussion until April 2, leave the previous provision to leave work at 65 years of age. So, speculation about a possible change in age status upward due to the unsustainability of the pension system did not enter the agenda at this time.

Crowds, people, retirees, citizens


However, there are no announcements that early retirement penalties can be abolished for those who retired before age 65, nor is there the possibility that these penalties are only temporary.

Some 7,000 workers who had to retire against their will because their companies failed or restructured, and had two or five more years to retire, are entitled to have their retirement penalties lifted before reaching old age.

These are employees who accepted the Serbian Government’s program to solve layoffs in the process of streamlining, restructuring and preparing for privatization, but due to changes in the 2014 law, instead of old age, they realized the right to old age early. pension with permanent reduction of this pension.
