“THE WOMEN’S CHILDREN SCREAMED, BUT NO ONE LISTENED TO THEM” The entire village wept over the tragedy in Leskovac, Miloš went to see her bloody grandmother after the murder and confessed everything to her.


Residents of the village of Granica in the municipality of Bojnik, with about 60 inhabitants, where Miloš Ilić (20) was born and often came, who killed four of the five members of his family at night between 9 and 10 December. May, they are in shock because nothing indicates that this unexposed young man would throw a bloody party and kill his loved ones in the most brutal way.

– He was troublesome, unemployed, poorly educated, a bit silly like the whole family, he stole his parents, especially grandfather Miloš and grandmother Milanka, with an agricultural pension, which caused a debt of 200,000 dinars, but he was not a fighter . That is why we are all in shock, say village elders Slobodan Stojanović and Zoran Ilić.

Village borderPhoto: Milica Ivanovic / RAS Serbia
Village border

And at the Social Work Center in Leskovac, where the Ilićs lived as tenants, they say that Miloš was the most normal of that family.

– We just didn’t have it on the records, we had no problems with him, and then they told us they didn’t have any problems with him at school, except that he was absent from classes and that he got messy – they say by “Blic” in the Social Center works in Leskovac, the city where Predrag Ilić moved after divorcing his first wife, who bore him three children.

Milos Ilic
Milos Ilic

According to a police statement, Miloš killed his father Predrag Ilić (1975), his stepmother Danijela Radojković (1977), his sister Ana Ilić (2001), who was in an advanced pregnancy, and his half-sister SR (2008) with an axe. The crime took place in a rental house in the center of Leskovac on Ratka Pavlovića Street.

Her brother, a 15-year-old boy, escaped death when he placed the Leskovac center for social work in a specialized social institution in March 2019.

Our source also says that the entire family was killed in their sleep, but that Predrag resisted. Different information came to the premises in Granica, and 90 percent of Garic is in Garnica and they are all related.

Predrag Ilic
Predrag Ilic

– They told us that the girls were screaming a lot, but that no one seemed to hear them. Unfortunately, how could he kill his pregnant sister, which is why he also killed the baby in her womb? Family members wonder.

The motives for the crime are still speculated, as the Leskovac High Prosecutor’s Office has yet to be announced. What can be heard from competent unofficial sources is that Miloš “fell in a yellow minute” after an argument with his father and stepmother about money. He allegedly had no money for cigarettes and going out, but the locals say it was a common theme with them, adding that Milos had a bad relationship with his stepmother.

Ilić's house in the village of GranicaPhoto: Milica Ivanovic / RAS Serbia
Ilić’s house in the village of Granica

– My stepmother mistreated them, you could see it with the naked eye – affirm Stojanović and Ilić.

The police went to the crime scene on May 10 around 2 in the afternoon, because, unofficially, Miloš reported his own crime. The question is, however, where did he spend ten hours from his family’s mascara to surrender?

Ana Ilic
Ana Ilic

Border residents say that he allegedly went to see his grandfather Miloš’s sister, who lives in Leskovac, immediately after the tragedy.

– When he saw him bloody, he asked who had hit him, and he confessed everything. Probably persuaded him to surrender to the police, the villagers resound.

Incidentally, Milos grew up in a poor and dysfunctional family. Although Predrag’s father has six hectares of property, he did not like to cultivate agriculture. After leaving his father’s house, he became a welfare recipient in Bojnik, from where he moved and moved to the Leskovac center a few years ago to live on social and casual work.

The house in Leskovac where the crime occurred.Photo: Milica Ivanovic / RAS Serbia
The house in Leskovac where the crime occurred.

– The family received additional regular social and occasional financial assistance, but there was never violence in that family – says the director of the Center in Leskovac, Predrag Momcilovic.

The Bojnik municipality gave them a municipal residential building for free in the neighboring village, hired Predrag for temporary jobs, but “had no place” anywhere. He moved to Leskovac, where he finished high school with his two older children, and meanwhile he married several times and changed the houses and apartments of many older people.

Later, as our interlocutors heard, the eldest daughter married and then divorced, then fell in love with someone from Smderevsa Palanka, from where her stepmother became pregnant with him.

Danijela and Predrag Ilić
Danijela and Predrag Ilić

– Predrag left behind women and debts everywhere. And his first wife was also the last. He married her the first time and brought the town, so they quickly divorced. Later, we heard that they were together again and that she left three children in Smederevska Palanka. They had a daughter and lived in an extramarital union, say relatives of the unhappy family.

The majority of the family are said to have mental problems, including Miloš’s mother, whom Leskovac people often see begging on the streets, but also her stepmother. However, we were unable to obtain official confirmations for those claims.

Villagers say the Ilić family again used an ax for violent purposes. It is alleged that grandfather Miloš, for whom his grandson was named, attempted to kill his wife with an ax, for which he was undergoing psychiatric treatment.

Milosevic's youngest victim
Milosevic’s youngest victim

At the time we were in town, Miloš’s grandmother and grandfather did not know about the tragedy. They hoped that their second child would come from Belgrade, a man whose locals and family only have words of praise.

– Last night, the police were there to take your family’s rifle on some pretext, probably for fear of doing something if they accidentally discovered that they had lost everything, but they threatened us all not to tell him – they say.

We saw Miloš’s grandfather pushing a wagon uphill to his unfinished two-story house, which was built by his son from Belgrade. He became aware of us and looked around for a long time. As we drove away, a car went up the hill, accompanied by an ambulance. In the car was Predrag’s uncle’s brother who works at the Health Center in Bojnik. Two parents, a grandmother and a grandfather, probably discovered the truth.

– Yes, somehow everyone was crazy, yes, Miloš stole his grandfather and the money that his son from Belgrade sent him, but, for God’s sake, they did not deserve such a fate. We are all relatives here, so when we hear the news we all cry. Today we feel like we’ve been hit by a train. Milos is strong, but his father is not weak either. I can’t figure out how he managed to beat and kill them all, says the old Serb Ilić, who passes it by the house of his relatives, the unfortunate Ilićs.

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