The trial for the murder against “Nana” ends, the verdict at the end of the month


Nedeljko Grbovic’s trial for the murder of Aleksandar Savkovic in front of the Belgrade nightclub “Nana” in December 2017 ended today in the Belgrade High Court, after both the prosecution and the lawyers presented their final arguments. The verdict will be pronounced at the end of the month.

By: Jelena Radivojevic

Prosecutor Sanja Đurić said today that she believes the allegations in the indictment that Nedeljko Grbović, who worked as security for the club, shot Aleksandar Savković in front of the “Nana” nightclub in Belgrade in December 2017, were proven. He recalled that Grbović first denied that he killed Savković and then confessed in part, in part because he said he shot, but claimed that he did so in self-defense, that is, out of fear of losing his life.

He noted that the finding by expert Bojana Kecman, who assessed Grbović’s mental state immediately before and after Savković’s murder, was especially interesting.

“With the finding, she refuted Grbović’s defense that she was afraid.” It was an effect of anger, not fear, “she said.

He asked the court to convict him of a crime for which the prescribed minimum sentence is 10 years in prison.

However, Grbovic’s lawyer, Vanja Gajic, believes that during the trial it was shown that his client feared for his life, as he was attacked first by Savkovic’s friend, Ada Isenovic, and then by Savkovic.

“The prosecution wants to present Grbović as if shooting the guests out of sheer peace,” Gajić said, adding that the key question was what led his client to shoot.

He said that Savković and Isenović made a mess at the club and that they were removed from the club after the conflict.

Accused of fighting
Milos Tancev, Stevan Dukic and Stefan Shapuric are accused of participating in the fight that preceded the murder, and prosecutor Djuric believes that these accusations were confirmed during the trial and that the court should not believe his statements that there was no Fight. The lawyers, for their part, pointed out that there was no evidence that their clients participated in the fight and emphasized that the prosecution did not determine with whom they allegedly fought.

“Savković and Isenović were aggressive, they were drunk, Savković also used cocaine, so they are the culprits of these events. Savkovic has been previously convicted of numerous crimes and Isenovic did not want to declare his previous conviction, “Gajic said.

He stressed that Grbović had to react to protect his life and that of his son, who was working that night as a waiter at “Nana”, noting that he had no reason to kill Savković, as well as that they had a great relationship. The lawyer demanded that Grbović be released and, if found guilty, that it be due to exceeding the necessary defense or murder by negligence.

Grbovic said it adds to everything his lawyer said.

“I would like to once again express my condolences to the Savković family and say that I am very sorry for everything that happened,” Grbović said, noting that he felt guilty. He said at trial that Savkovic threatened him, that Isenovic had attacked him before and that he feared for his safety and that of his son. Read more here.

The father of the murdered Savković also addressed the court today.

“I would also like to thank you, judge and prosecutor, for ending this case. I believed that the trial would be fair,” Predrag Savkovic said during his closing remarks today.

Judge Marina Andjelković scheduled the verdict for December 22.

The murdered Savković was a member of a group of criminal fanatics headed by the late criminal Aleksandar Stanković, also known as Sale Mutavi, and was convicted of various crimes. Read more about this in a special story.

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