The Moravia corridor, with a total length of 112 kilometers, will be divided into three sections and nine sectors, will have 78 bridges and will connect half a million inhabitants.
On the occasion of its construction, the experts began to write an Environmental Impact Assessment Study, and a public presentation was made in seven cities and municipalities through which the Moravian Corridor passes.
The documents have been made available to the public and citizens will have the opportunity to influence oversights or omissions, if any, with their suggestions and proposals.

-In the beginning, it was necessary to determine the initial condition of the complete location and we conducted a field investigation on the topic of ecology and protection of the environment and society. The project began in 2019, and then the comparison of the legal regulations of our country with the International Standards was marked. After visiting the site, we started to do an environmental impact assessment and we are completing it here today, said Gunal Ozenirler, the project’s lead consultant.
After the presentation of the documentation and the assessment of the impact on the environment and society, work will be done on the completion of the study, after which it will be delivered to the funders.
The most frequent questions in previous meetings were on the subject of land expropriation, as well as previous field investigations related to environmental protection. Information is available to citizens from both municipalities and corridors in Serbia.
– The project also includes the regulation of the flow of the river Zapadna Morava in a length of 32 kilometers, mainly in the territory of the city of Čačak, and the most important parts will be located near Kraljevo. We pay attention to the extent to which river regulation will affect the ecology and the environment. Due to the existing ecosystem, the old riverbed will fill with water and remain functional, Ozenirler said, adding that the study on the river flow change was carried out by the “Jaroslav Cerni” Institute and that changes can still be made. in that project.

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Author: delivery courier