The Israeli recognition of the so-called Kosovo: Everyone talks about it and nobody has seen it! The Ministry confirmed the truth!



21.09.2020. 18:51

Kosovo and Metohija, Serbia

Photo: Shutterstock

– I am not aware that Israel has explicitly recognized the so-called Kosovo. If you think the phone call was made on September 4, a confession, that’s your business. I am not aware that any institution has approved such an act. Even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech to Kosovar Albanians has never been confirmed.

Serbian Foreign Ministry Secretary General Veljko Odalović commented on accusations by Israel’s new ambassador to Serbia Jahel Vilan that Israel recognized the so-called Kosovo on September 4.

Odalovic noted that Israel is carefully considering the recognition of Kosovo and what moves it will take in the next period.

– This is something that will surely be talked about and that, in my opinion, has not yet been completed in the way that Pristina thinks it is – thinks Odalović.

Odalovic mentioned that Israel is a friendly country with whom Serbia has excellent relations and that the Kosovo issue should be an issue on which the two countries should seriously agree, and that this will probably happen after the possible visit of Serbian President Aleksandar. Vucic to Jerusalem in the next few years. period.

It should be remembered that the agreements in the White House were signed on September 4 in two variants, and only the document signed by Pristina establishes the recognition of the independence of Kosovo by Israel, because Belgrade did not want to agree with that, but he could not avoid Israel’s sovereign decision. .
