
Although even after a year, these theorists could not decipher who is poisoning us and what exactly, this idea continued to live on and affect all users of social networks, where warnings, photos and recordings of the alleged poisoning are tirelessly shared.

A pilot from Serbia decided to get in the way and explain what it is all about.

Dušan Birmanac shared an article on his Facebook profile titled “Pilot who decided to talk about air poisoning” in hopes of shedding light on these crazy theories.

– For all those who do not know me, I was a military pilot, flight instructor and test pilot in MiG-21 aircraft. I flew at altitudes of just over 20,000 meters and at speeds of around Mach 2. I continued my career at the Flight Control Agency. So I am familiar with a lot of information that was inaccessible to others. I decided to speak up and tell the truth about the “daily air poisoning”. Please read the text carefully until the end: the pilot began.

He continues by explaining what we see in the sky.

– First, the white footprints you see in the sky are the result of condensation from hot exhaust gases from jet engines and turbojets in contact with cold air at high altitudes. This is a chemical-physical process that is identical to the cloud formation process. The basics for comprehension can be found in elementary and middle school textbooks. I understand that for many this was not interesting then, because in that period they had “smarter jobs” to learn. One must enjoy youth and there is time for knowledge. Unfortunately, many are uneducated on this topic and strongly comment on the fake posts they see on social media. A small number of us had meteorology as a subject, but cloud formation is a subject taught in elementary school. If you see more thickly intersecting white runways at different altitudes, it is because several international airways intersect in that area and the occurrence is quite normal due to heavy air traffic. Don’t worry, air traffic controllers are people who don’t make their job very easy professionally, he writes.

He adds that what hurt him the most was the announcements from people who claim that the planes that are poisoning us are taking off from Batajnica airport.

– Just to remind everyone. WE MILITARY PILOTS ARE EDUCATED, TRAINED AND EDUCATED TO DEFEND OUR PEOPLE, NOT TO POISON THEM, which we have mercilessly tried many times when necessary. My colleagues died both in peace and in war defending their own people. I am ashamed that among these people there are those who can believe that we could poison them or allow someone else to do it from our military airport – he adds.

He then offered an explanation of what is in the mysterious barrels, where, according to “theorists”, dangerous substances that claim lives were kept in Serbia, instead of the corona virus.

– Secondly, the photos where you can see the barrels inside the passenger or transport aircraft represent the layout and simulation of cargo in aircraft that are in development and the final phase of testing. This is the standard methodology for testing whether an airplane behaves normally in the air under simulated conditions where the barrels represent the weight of the passengers. Without this test method, airliners would certainly not be safe to fly. Then those photos are connected to the photos of the airplane nozzles that are dusting off mosquitoes or crops and here is the evidence. What type? Do mosquito spray planes poison from the air? Well, we all know they do – says the Burmese.

He adds that there are advanced technologies that can influence changes. heaven.

– Third, it is true that there are technologies that provide breaking clouds. They are used both in times of peace and in times of war. Russia and the United States have it. Most likely, China too. These aerosols contain particles that convert the water vapor in clouds into water droplets. We experienced such “rain” and clearance in Kosovo at Slatina airport almost every time before the attack in cloudy weather.

And finally, fourth, people who allow themselves to accept misinformation about airborne poisoning are on their way to becoming obedient, easy-to-handle sheep. Those who share, like, and comment on such nonsense the most contribute significantly to creating even greater chaos and mistrust of everything, including what may mean a lot to them at some point.


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