Tag Archives: STRONGER

“YOU DON’T WANT A VACCINE, YOU DON’T WANT TO CROSS THE BORDER” The idea of ​​kovid passports is getting stronger in the world, and this is what it means to us and how we will travel

[ad_1] Information on whether someone has had a crown, if and when they had a PCR test, and if they received the vaccine; all of this can be found on your “covid passports” in the future. This idea is being widely developed in many countries, and is championed primarily by …

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Understand that they are not stronger than the state and that they are not gods! Barriers to change, they say, are women’s business

[ad_1] Photo: Facebook Printscreen, Zorana Mihajlović BELGRADE – Decisions to change Srbijagas and EPS were made by the Serbian Government and all the ministers voted in favor, so there are no personal relationships, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mining and Energy Zorana Mihajlovic said today, saying that these changes …

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