They thought they were stronger than the law: that’s why they replaced their warm bed with prison bars! (PHOTO / VIDEO)



05.12.2020. 18:40 – 05.12.2020. 18:48

While they were having fun, they didn’t think about the consequences …

Romana, Rasta, Ana Korac

Romana, Rasta, Ana Korać, Photo: Illustration

Pop criminals had their most turbulent year behind them. For many, the illegal actions came to light, prompting police to arrest public figures such as Stefan Đurić grows I Uroš Ćertić. Others are like Ljupka stevic, decided to break cars with lovers while she was a star Ana Korać She illegally organized a game of chance, for which she could be sentenced to two years in prison.


Rasta, Photo: Youtube / Printscren

Rasta: fell with drugs, detention extended for another 30 days

Rapper Stefan Đurić Rasta fell due to the discovery of a larger number of skunk, and another person with cocaine was arrested with him. This week, the Belgrade High Court extended the detention of singer Stefan Đurić Rasta and BL for another 30 days, where they found illegal substances.

Their detention was prolonged due to the existence of special circumstances that indicate that they could repeat the crime in a short time., specified court spokeswoman Tatjana Tešić for Tanjug. The Belgrade High Prosecutor’s Office is conducting an investigation against Đurić and BL on suspicion that they committed a crime: illicit production and distribution of narcotics, for which they are threatened with a sentence of three to 12 years in prison. The investigation is in the final phase and is expected to be completed after the DNA expertise reaches the prosecution, and then the decision on the indictment will be made. At the hearing at the prosecutor’s office after the arrest, Đurić defended himself that he used the found skunk for his own use, but the prosecution did not believe him.

Ljupka stevic

Ljupka Stević, Photo: Hola / Masanori Jošida

Just over two months ago, singer Ljupka Stević demolished two cars owned by Police General Dragiša Simić after, as she claims, she found out he cheated on her. At that time, two misdemeanor charges were brought against Ljupka Stević and he was banned from approaching Simić.

The two have been in a relationship for about ten years, and in a recent interview, the singer noted that she is still confused about the whole case.

– To be honest, I’m very confused, it’s been like six weeks, I think I’ll just get there, you were with me in that mess, mess, I tried to be fine in front of the camera, but I think I’ll just do it. to get there – Ljupka told “Pink”, and apparently, she and her ex are now on good terms.

Aleksandar Lazic, Sale Tru

Aleksandar Lazić, Sale Tru, Photo: Printscreen

Sale Thru – Fell over drugs

Rapper and participant of the reality show “Zadruga” Aleksandra Lazić (32), also known as Sale Thru, was arrested in early October when police found a large quantity of drugs in his apartment in New Belgrade. The search found more than a kilogram of marijuana in various packages, 871 ecstasy tablets, as well as two scales for accurate measurement. Two larger bags of green plant material were discovered in the apartment, as well as 308 smaller packages of the same content.

Uroš Ćertić

Uroš Ćertić, Photo: Facebook

Mid-October Specialist Uroš Ćertić he was released from Central Prison, where he ended up on reasonable suspicion of illegal possession of a weapon, on the afternoon of October 14. Less than a week after his release, he said he was arrested “for stupidity,” and that while in prison, he missed his son Nicholas the most.

Ana Korać

Ana Korać, Photo: Instagram / Printscreen

Ana Korać: tried to deceive the public by betting

The star Ana Korać on her Instagram profile in early October invited everyone to participate in the game of chance, which she organized herself. Punishment for such an act could cost up to two years in prison. Realizing that he had engaged in a criminal act, Korac immediately deleted the post, but numerous screenshots of the post continued to circulate on social media.

“5,000 people will participate in this game, of which only one is the winner of this car!” If you want this car to be yours for 2,000 dinars, you only have to pay 2,000 dinars to the number +38161 … The profile will follow you as soon as the payment is due. The 5,000 participants, their names will be put on a sheet of paper and put into a large ball, names will be written and drawn live, “wrote Ana Korać on her profile and explained that the amount for participants from abroad is 17 euros, and that she and her family will not participate in the game.

Romana Panić

Romana Panić, Photo: e-stock

Romana Panić – I was in prison for robbing an ATM

Singer Romana Panić was arrested in Australia this summer for stealing money from an ATM, and her boyfriend Filip Mrkajić was an accessory to this crime. A Brisbane court issued a statement on June 27, stating that Romana Panic and Filip Mrkajic were arrested for robbing ATMs in that city. The police previously obtained all the evidence, video recordings, witness statements, telephone correspondence from the singer and her partner, so Romani and Filip were left alone to admit the crime, which they did, justifying that they ran out of money . in Australia, where they arrived before the corona pandemic.

Romana was in prison until August 1, after which she was placed in a migrant center and deported to Belgrade on August 10. Among other things, images recorded by cameras installed in an ATM were found, as well as 23,500 Australian dollars. In her latest statements, Romana justified herself by admitting the crime only to get a lesser sentence.

“The laws in Australia are such that when you confess to the crime, half of you are forgiven, so I admitted my guilt at the suggestion of a lawyer,” Romana said.


What the lawyer of the popular rapper Raste said exclusively for “Alo”, read HERE.
