Tag Archives: called

ARREST, FSB AGENTS AND FIVE DAYS HIDING IN THE FOREST He turned his back on Lukashenko, called for the overthrow of the dictator and then HIS DRAMA begins

[ad_1] One week after the controversial presidential elections in Belarus, Police chief investigator Andrej Ostapovic realized he could keep quiet. He lost faith in President Alexander Lukashenko and even participated in one of the first protests after the “last European dictator” declared a dubious electoral victory. The latest turning point …

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“HALF AN HOUR BEFORE THE FLIGHT ZVONKO CALLED ME”: Confession of the murdered pilot’s mother for “Novosti” – I was waiting for him like “frozen sun”

[ad_1] However, no one wanted to believe the worst. It was rumored that the pilot allegedly catapulted into the Čolakovići settlement in Brasina … Everything is unverified, unofficially, which makes the concern even greater and opens the way to dark forebodings, but there was a shred of hope. -Half an …

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Vučić called the independent media liars

[ad_1] The president of Serbia claims that his brother does not have an inch of land in Vojvodina. Although a member of the Anti-Corruption Council spoke about it in NIN, Vučić also accuses H1 of spreading falsehoods. At the president’s conference, there were no responses on the beating in Novi …

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“FALSE DANCER AND SLAVE OF HER GREED” Minister Vladan Vukosavljević called Aja Jung in a statement of success, called him a TRAGICOMIC BLIND-WING SWAN

[ad_1] The passions between the Minister of Culture and Public Information, Vladan Vukosavljević, the director of the Belgrade Games Festival “BFI” Aja Jung do not diminish. After Jung declared “that he will remember the minister only because he installed a refrigerator in the official car,” Vukosavljević officially responded. In a …

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