Krivokapić: Vučić hasn’t called me yet, I’m a pro Montenegrin man – Svet


The leader of the “For the Future of Montenegro” coalition, Zdravko Krivokapic, told FACE TV that the opposition’s victory in the parliamentary elections did not catch him, but that it did and that he had exceptional cooperation with the leaders of the two coalitions. .

Krivokapić: Vučić hasn't called me yet, I'm a pro Montenegrin man 1Zdravko Krivokapić Photo: EPA-EFE / BORIS PEJOVIC

He added that this was the first official change of government in Montenegro done in pencil. “Citizens can win everywhere, it is just a question of how someone experiences it and we are not concerned with how someone will experience it, but with what is best for each citizen.

It’s not easy to accept the fact that you were invincible and that in the end someone hit you, “Krivokapic said, Vijesti reports.

The leader of the coalition “For the future of Montenegro”, Zdravko Krivokapic, stated that he was not called by the president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, and that they were never in contact, and reiterated that he was “neither pro-Russian nor prosocial”.

“I am neither pro-Russian nor pro-Serbian. I am pro-Montenegrin, my tradition of being in this area ties my families together to this day,” he said in an interview with Face TV.

He said the media was making “unnecessary twists right now.”

Krivokapic responded affirmatively to the repeated statement that he was “pro-Montenegrin, not pro-Serbian” and added that he knew what he was, who he was and where he came from.

“Even today, the most important national issue prevails in this area,” Krivokapic said, emphasizing that at this moment it does not matter how it is declared, although “he said it several times.”

He also said there is “no relationship” with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić.

“Vučić did not contact me during this time period until today. We have never contacted, I know him from the media, we have not had any other contact. He did not even call to congratulate. from the region congratulated me, ”said Krivokapic.

He said the question of his attitude “as a believer towards a church dignitary like Metropolitan Amfilohije” opens a box that many want to show as influencing him as the man who topped the list.

“I entered the process to defend a law that is not defended from the point of view of their actions, and that is that the Law of Religious Freedom insults all true believers. I know what a church is, what a state is. That someone pass a law that can translate the property of any person into state property and that others prove that it is an elementary unnatural right. “

He added that he believes the Religious Freedom Act is “difficult to fix.”

He also explained that on the day of the parliamentary elections, immediately after the announced results, he went to Amfilohije and kissed his hand, which was harshly criticized by the public.

“They told me that the metropolitan would like to see me that night, I felt it as my need, as a man of the people, I considered my obligation to see the metropolitan. I expressed joy and did not share it with anyone like with our Metropolitan. “Someone can accept that and treat it in any way, this is the only fact that I had the greatest freedom from that division, in addition to my family, with the metropolitan,” he said.

Facebook TV introduced Krivokapic as the future Montenegrin Prime Minister.

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