Simulation of a terrorist attack with mass murder: final preparations for “Hoop 2020”


During the dress rehearsal, traffic was closed from the Branko Bridge to the intersection of Nikola Tesla Boulevard and Trešnjin cvet Street. It will be the same tomorrow from 5 in the afternoon when the exercise begins and lasts.

It was all over about twenty minutes ago.

Members of the Helicopter Unit, Gendarmerie, Intervention Unit, Special Unit, but also members of the Belgrade Police Department, as well as fire and rescue units participate in the exercise.

On Thursday we will see a simulation of a terrorist attack in a public place with mass murder.

We will also see how the police would resolve such a situation in the event of a hostage crisis attack.

Everything happens at night. And the helicopters will fly without lights, only with night navigation. This means that the landing will take place on unmarked terrain at night.

They use all the techniques that could be applied in the event of one of those attacks.

All of this will be visible on the live broadcast. The public and a greater number of people will not be able to because of the epidemic measures.

“The objective of this exercise is to demonstrate the readiness of the members of the Ministry of the Interior to provide an effective response in any situation in night mode and difficult conditions, as well as training to defeat terrorists and protection through emergency intervention without delay , using high-level ballistic protection equipment and modern technical devices. citizens ”, it is stated in the announcement of the Interior Ministry.

In addition to 250 members of the Ministry of the Interior, 28 vehicles for various purposes and five helicopters will participate in the exercise.

The preparations were attended by Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin, Police Director Vladimir Rebić, and the chiefs whose units will show their skills and abilities tomorrow to defeat terrorists and free the hostages, the announcement said.
