
Starting today, citizens of Serbia can get tested for coronavirus themselves, because for the first time, rapid antigen tests can be purchased in our pharmacies, which can also be used at home.

According to pharmacists, these tests were approved by the Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices (ALIMS), they are easy to use and their price in pharmacies will be 1,300 to 1,400 dinars.

rapid antigen test, pharmacies
photo: Private Archive

– The tests consist of a swab, a test tube with reagent and a plate. There is a cap on the rod itself that shows the depth to which it should be applied into the nasopharynx. The swab sample should be well mixed into the reagent tube and three drops dripped into the well of the plate. Two lines are a sign that the test is positive – explains Dr. Nada Milovanović Ivančić from the pharmacy “Ivančić and Son” to Kurir.

The price of the test, he says, is around 1,400 dinars, and it will soon be available in other pharmacies in Serbia.

rapid antigen test, pharmacies
photo: Private Archive

– The tests were registered on October 30 in ALIMS, and before that they were registered in the EU. They have been available in pharmacies in Germany, Italy and Romania for a long time. In England healthcare workers self-test twice a week not to bring the infection to hospitals: Dr. Ivančić points out and adds that the reliability of the test is 99 percent, but taking a nasal swab is very important 24 to 48 hours after the first symptoms appear.

Jasminka Bjeletić
photo: Фонет

Jasminka Bjeletić, Director of Pharmacy “Belgrade”, tells Kurir that rapid antigen tests from SGTi-flex Covid-19 Ag, a South Korean manufacturer, will be available during the day at 40 of their most frequent pharmacies, and the price will be of 1,296 dinars.

– A positive result is quite reliable, while a negative one does not exclude infection, because it can happen that the test is done too soon or when the virus is no longer in the nose – explains Bjeletić and adds that in that case, if there are symptoms , the test must be repeated or PCR.


– Put a swab in the nose, take a swab from the surface of the posterior nasopharynx

– The swab should reach the same distance from the nostril to the outer opening of the ear

– Gently rub and twist the bar, leave the bar in place for a few seconds to absorb secretions

– Place the rod in the tube with the extraction buffer and turn it more than five times

– Remove the rod by squeezing the sides of the tube

– Squeeze three drops of the processed sample into the test cassette

– Read re (Kurir.rs/Ružica Kantar) results in 20 to 30 minutes

She emphasizes that the test is adapted for use outside the laboratory, but that the sample should be taken by medical personnel and those who have the basic knowledge of swab sampling.

Kurir.rs/Ružica Kantar

Photo shutterstock

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