PLASMA CHOCOLATE CAKE SIMPLE! An ideal no-BAKE recipe, and that’s how EASY it is!


A recipe according to which a very tasty and visually pleasing plasma cake can be made in a short time, without baking and without great complications. Even if you don’t have much experience in preparing desserts, with this cake you will surprise your family and guests …


180 g of putera

100 g icing sugar

a bag of whipped cream

100 g of dark chocolate for cooking

3 egg yolks

plasma soak milk

double plasma

cocoa for dusting

Note: for the double layer cake (as in the picture), double the ingredients


Beat the puet, add the egg yolks, the icing sugar, the whipped cream and the melted chocolate one by one. Soak the plasma in milk and arrange in a cake pan: a row of plasma, a row of fillings and so on until the ingredients have been used up. Set a portion of the frosting filling aside. Let the cake harden, then fill it on one side as well. When completely firm, sprinkle with cocoa, decorate to taste and serve.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
