Grandma needed to buy a cake to surprise her for her birthday and today she lit candles for her.


Grandma was supposed to buy a cake today, to surprise her for her birthday, and today she lights candles for her. I can’t come to my senses for three days, I can’t eat or drink, I can’t stop thinking about the tragic fate of my son, says Danijela Drljić, mother of Dragan (15), who committed suicide by jumping. on the river Tamiš due to a break with his girlfriend.

The unfortunate boy disappeared Tuesday afternoon, his phone was turned off at 11 p.m. and the next day around 5 p.m., Gendarmerie divers pulled his body out of the river. Before his suicide, Dragan left a letter to his ex-girlfriend, who he had been with for a month, they recently broke up, and he also intended to make a gift for his best friend.

Danijela Drljić

Photo: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

Danijela Drljić

In the letter, he stated that he would choose the most painless way to kill himself, because he does not see the meaning of his life. The desperate mother Daniela bought her son’s wardrobe yesterday for the funeral.

– I found all the things she liked to wear, even her favorite sneakers, that she was in that fateful day. Today, I put on his sweatshirt, I can still smell it, as well as my sneakers, although they are big for me – says the unhappy mother sobbing in pain for “Kurir”.

She adds that she was on the pier to light a candle for her son and that she put a picture of Dragan on his favorite bench.

– I’d just sit there, I can’t get together and organize a funeral. I am constantly taking medication and my brother and my parents take care of everything. I took refuge in being with my son in silence. They called me and said that tomorrow I could pick up the body. He is my heartbroken angel – sobbed the unhappy woman and added:

– In a conversation with a friend, as she explained to me, Dragan did not indicate what he planned to do, but stated that in a letter he gave to his ex-girlfriend. However, she did not give that letter to anyone. Only the police managed to read it and understand what was happening. He was unlucky in love, it was hard for him to let people into his heart, but it was even more difficult for him when they left. That girl was his first serious relationship. He didn’t tell me about her, I noticed he was depressed on Monday, but he was coping … until that fateful Tuesday.

He learned from Dragan’s friend that in the last conversation he told him that nothing was going well for him.

– His greatest desire was to be a policeman and work in the traffic police. However, she recently learned that her father has a record and that she will not be able to enroll in that school. Disappointment after disappointment came and he couldn’t cope. If he had at least told me, we could have done something together, like this … – says Daniela.

He suffered because of a girl

None of the boy’s friends could believe yesterday that Dragana was no more.

– He was a favorite among friends, always smiling, reasonable, ready to help. He had had girls before, but this relationship meant a lot to him. He was depressed after the breakup, but shared that sadness only with select people, who, unfortunately, couldn’t help him get over it, said one of Dragan’s friends.
