OPERATIONAL DATA ON THE MURDER OF STRAHINJA: In this way, the murderers located Stojanović


As “Novosti” finds out, an explosive device was placed under Stojanović’s expensive jeep “BMW H5”, which was activated while the vehicle was in motion.

Due to the force of the detonation, the vehicle literally split in half, the parts were scattered all over the road and, according to eyewitnesses, Stojanović lay on the street until the ambulance arrived, while the Colombian held his head in his arms.

The ambulance team transported the injured Stojanović and Sonja Suarez Gómez to the Emergency Center. Stojanović had both legs amputated, however, serious injuries to internal organs were fatal and he died early.

Until recently the news reached Spain of this man Zemun, well known to the Serbian police, and that he married a girl who was Miss Marbella Olac Bilbao González (22), who was injured two years ago in an identical attempt to Stojanovic murder. in the Zemun settlement of Nova Galenika.


COLOMBIAN Sonja has a daughter Paula, a model, well known to the public. Paula is very active on social media and gained “fame” when videos of her close friendship with soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo were leaked in 2016.

Police operational data indicate that those who were preparing for the liquidation of Stojanović most likely located him through a profile on the social networks of the Colombian Sonja Suárez Gómez, who has not separated from him in the last six months. She is very active on “Instagram”, she has a public profile in which she posted photos with the victim Stojanović. The two stayed in Zlatibor and Kopaonik this summer, and she recorded and published the places where they were at the time, which probably made it easier for the enforcers. By the way, according to the police, Colombia entered our country half a year ago, just before the start of the state of emergency, after which it did not leave Serbia.

Instagram photos


It is a real joy that none of the passers-by, who were on the street of the Youth Brigade at the time of the jeep explosion, was injured. The detonation occurred just a few meters from the bus stop, and the sidewalks along this New Belgrade highway were packed with people yesterday at noon.

Strahinja Stojanović came to light in August 2018 when, due to his illegal activities, he was targeted by attackers who planted an explosive device under the seat of his “Audi” in the Nova Galenika settlement. As “Novosti” wrote at the time, there was unofficial information that Stojanović had tried then, but also before, to eliminate the “competing groups”.

Photo by Z. Jovanović

As the sources of the investigation told us at the time, Stojanović was not the victim of a conflict between two clans (Bojović and Šaranović) in that attack, but he was “pulling tails” so that people close to him died earlier. These are jobs on the other side of the law and the fight for supremacy in the narcotics black market. Stojanović, by the way, was convicted of various events, and during the breaks between the prisoners he remained in Marbella, from where, most likely, he met Miss and model Olac Bilbao González (22). The explosive was activated after Stojanović got out of the car to return to the apartment and pick up the phone, while the girl remained in the “audio”.

Photo by Z. Jovanović

He is also mentioned in connection with the murder of his godfather Miloš Vidaković from Pancevo, who was killed by three bullets in a café in Budva in July 2013. Stojanović was suspected of ordering this execution out of fear of Pancevo’s revenge. A few months before he was killed in Budva, Vidaković was injured in both legs in the Galenika settlement, and the police then suspected that Stojanović was behind him. Milos later refused to tell police that he shot him, explaining that he would figure it out himself. It has been speculated that the break between the godparents was caused by a female person.


The FIRST analyzes of the placed explosive indicate that the plastic P500, better known as C-4, was probably used in the liquidation of Strahinja Stojanović. The remains of the jeep also indicate that, because in recent years this explosive or TNT has been used in mafia calculations on the streets of Belgrade.

– If a stronger explosive had been placed, the destruction of the vehicle itself would have been much greater, and the passengers would certainly not have survived – says our interlocutor in the investigation. – In this case, the “infernal device” is placed directly under the driver’s seat and is activated remotely.

Similarly, Siniša Milić Boske, the main operative of the Luka Bojović and Filip Korać clan, was blown up. He was killed in June 2018 at a traffic light at Autokomanda in Belgrade. The C-4 was then used and activated by a call from a mobile phone.

INVESTIGATION Parts of an expensive jeep were strewn across the road on Omladinskih Brigada Street in New Belgrade, Photo by Z. Jovanović

Police operational findings also led to Strahinja Stojanović in connection with the murder of well-known Belgrade lawyer Dragoslav Mišo Ognjanović, who was killed on July 28, 2018 in front of the building where he lived with his wife and daughter. The police presumption is that the author of the crime arrived at the Ognjanović building on a motorcycle and, after the liquidation, left in a dark-colored car. Unofficially, the two-wheeler was driven by someone else. The operative data mentions that, supposedly, Stojanović’s accomplice was the brother of one of the leaders of the Red Star fans.

Instagram photos

Yesterday, the police spoke with Stojanović’s friends and family throughout the afternoon. It determines if someone threatened you or talked about where you might be in danger According to unofficial information, he was resentful of many criminal teams in Belgrade and beyond. Apparently, he was “the target” of the “resellers”, but also his partner Filip Korać.

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