MURDER WITHOUT CLARITY BEHIND MILA: Knezevic said: Djukanovic is not yet aware that it is a political past!


– Then it amuses me when the mob boss calls me a criminal, Knezevic said on H1.

– Djukanovic is still not aware that it is a political past, so he remains attached to the rhetoric of finding guilty in some forces in the East and West, who supposedly worked his head. He did not understand Interpol’s message that it is a political process against me, in the middle of the campaign he led for the parliamentary elections. He repeats the matrix of the church conspiracy, international factors and the hegemony of Greater Serbia, as if he did not understand that he lost the elections with that rhetoric. Dozens of unsolved murders remain behind Djukanovic. Among them are his closest collaborators, journalists, political opponents and people from the criminal milieu. Montenegro and history will remember him for that. Blaming another of the DPS leadership is just a continuation of the cowardly practice, characteristic of him, of seeking justification in others for the defeat and disappearance of the political scene.

Knezevic told Djukanovic that he would come to Montenegro.

– Djukanovic will then realize that there are no more of his prosecutors and judges guarding his mafia organization and declaring his opponents criminals. He will realize that he and his family are the direction the new prosecutor will come first. It will knock on your door because there is too much evidence, some of which has long been made public, that our President is actually a serious criminal. Since Djukanovic obviously pays close attention to my safety and follows my movements, then he knows that I have been under the watchful eye of “Scotland Yard” since the spring of 2019, after he sent his mafia comrades to attack me. me and my family, starting with tracking down to trying to enter the Department. “Scotland Yard” will take care of my safety even when I come to Montenegro, so Djukanovic does not have to worry. He has serious obligations, from previous criminal charges for the shameless theft of Montenegro – the first million in the bank “Piraeus”, through custody accounts, the Telecom and A2A scandals, to the parliamentary investigation into the Možura scandal.

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