Jovanovic: A change is expected in the Military Medical Academy, pressure on anyone who dares to say something


The dismissal of the director of the Belgrade Academy of Military Medicine is expected, says journalist Jelka Jovanović. These doctors, as he says, are evaluated as enemies and the case shows what situation they are in and what kind of pressure anyone who decides to think or say something that annoys the authorities suffers. About the pianist who ended up in court because he practices in the apartment, Jovanović says that we are not used to high culture, but that nobody is bothered by the newly composed music that we are “bombarded” with from all sides.

Heads of two clinics and one institute of the Military Medical Academy (MMA) have been removed from office, and the decisions on the dismissal were delivered to them on Wednesday, September 16, H1 learned from sources close to the now former bosses. The director of the Institute of Medical Research, prof. dr sc. medicine Danilo Vojvodić, Head of the Emergency Internal Medicine Clinic prof. Dr. Slobodan Obradović and the director of the Clinic for skin and venereal diseases prof. dr sc. medicine Lidija Kandolf Sekulović.

On that occasion the Ministry of Defense also issued a statement in which it is indicated that “organizational changes are being made in all military health care in accordance with the needs of the Army, military and civilian patients, within which numerous personnel changes will be made.”

“That was what was expected of me. I was surprised that they did not replace them before, just signing, because obviously they are enemies as is considered according to this speech … This shows what everyone in health suffers, from hygienists to specialists. they were involved in the active fight against the pandemic. But I am not politically surprised that they have been replaced, “Jovanovic said in Novi Dan.

As she said, there has been talk for years about who will treat us in Serbia in the future, because doctors are leaving the country, and this situation and political pressures only give them more reasons to leave.

And the conditions in which they work, he says, are not ideal either.

“The pandemic was really a great test that these people went through. And every part … Most of the doctors and nurses and technicians and support staff showed great effort … I would not want to exclude directors from the list, because it is through them, and they are in a position to act, many things had to happen, and they are between two fires, “said Jovanović.

He adds that he does not know what the “organizational changes” are in the Academy of Military Medicine, but hopes that the institution, which is of an open type, will not be redirected only to the insured of the army and the military, which, he says, should not be decided itself.

Pianist on the pier

Commenting on the case Vladimir Acimovic, one of the most talented young pianists in Nis, who was found on the pier because he plays the piano at home, says Jovanovic that he talks about our nature.

“It is clear what it indicates: that we do not care about nonsense, especially this newly composed music, we are used to it, it is transmitted from all frequencies, while art and culture, in this case high culture, are somehow by our interest with the majority of the people … It is not at school, nor through the media, nor through the decisions of state agencies, because we have seen in this epidemic, betting shops have been opened and cafes, but not theaters ”, explains the H1 guest.

Jovanovic marks the difference between the time when we were all “completely closed” and when artists used the virtual world to show their skills and their works, which they offered completely free to all viewers, from now on.

“Now we have started to have a small space for theater and cultural events … And remember that a couple of months ago in Nis there was a small hot spot of a pandemic due to a concert inside, Natasa Bekvalac, I think , where there were a lot more people than is allowed. So, pop people were not prohibited, but high culture was, “said Jovanovic.

As for whether the opposition in Serbia should use the “Montenegrin model” when going to the polls, Jovanovic says that it is actually the Serbian model from before 5 October.

“It is an issue that we have been going around for years. I believe that the opposition must unite, but that it must go in two columns and in that way it can bring together a large number of citizens who are not motivated to go to the polls or to determine “, He says.

He says that two columns represent him, it is debatable that many vote for Bođko Obradović, for example, just as it is debatable that people from another political spectrum, Tadić or Borko Obradović, are his candidate.
