Ivanovic: Obviously, there is an interest in not solving Oliver’s murder.


Miroslav Ivanovic, Oliver’s brother, says that the indictment in Kosovo has been returned to the prosecutor’s office for further processing, but that it deals with peripheral issues that arise in the context of the murder, while the murder is not being directly prosecuted. . The pre-investigation procedure is still ongoing in Belgrade, some people have been questioned and he has not received information about everything for a long time. He thinks that everything is like that because it is not convenient for Belgrade as much as for Pristina to move things. However, he adds, Oliver’s character is getting stronger among people, because they identify with the fact that something like this could happen to anyone who thinks otherwise.

The action “A thousand candles for Oliver Ivanović” tonight at 7 pm in front of the Church of San Marcos in Belgrade will mark the thousandth day since the assassination of the leader of the Civic Initiative “Freedom, Democracy, Justice” organized by the United Opposition of Serbia

Ivanovic says that the whole story about the murder is complex, but he says that obviously behind that there is a special interest in not clarifying the murder, and in all this, he adds, was the motivation of certain people to remove it from the political scene.
The police authorities are trying and working to discover the killers and the perpetrators, but obviously that does not give results or, frankly, they do not want to obtain those results, said the guest on the N1 Studio Live program.

He doubts his sincere desire to solve his brother’s murder. He says the fact that a thousand days have passed resonates with him. “In a thousand days, regardless of the complexity of the work, I am firmly convinced, after all, I know some of these procedures that occur and need to be performed, I am clear that all this could have been done much faster and more efficiently. thus, it reaches both the perpetrators and the main ones, as well as all those who in any way helped in the execution of that act, “said Ivanović, who is a judge by the way.

Speaking about the ongoing procedure in Kosovo, Ivanović says that a formal indictment was brought against several people, but that it was returned to the prosecutor’s office for further processing in the Trial Chamber of the court. He adds that several people are still in custody.

The point is that these people are suspected of having committed certain acts in the performance of two of their official functions and there is some incrimination of their behavior – all this has points of contact with the murder, but it is not about the perpetrators, perpetrators or direct accomplices to the murder, Ivanovic points out. “They are peripheral things, although not benign, and all of this is put into context and it is mentioned that it is related to the murder, but the murder and those things are not directly judged … Zvonko Veselinović, Milan Radoičić are mentioned in the context of the sentences, but the prosecution is not directed at them, “says Ivanović.

The investigation was carried out under a veil of secrecy, claims the H1 host, saying that he appears to be obscuring the public with certain actions. “The indictment does not cover the people I mention, and I am personally a family; we are interested in having those names revealed and appearing in public and brought to justice. The names of the perpetrators, executors and all helpers.” said the N1 Studio Live guest.

Speaking of the procedure in Belgrade, he says that it is a procedure prior to the investigation, that some people were questioned, including relatives, but that he thinks that no further progress has been made. I was in the Special Prosecutor’s Office and gave a statement, it was at the beginning of the procedure and never again, he said. When asked when he last received information, he said: a long time ago, and I don’t remember exactly when to tell him.

Referring to earlier statements by Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić, who claimed that there was certain evidence and that a story had been made, that it would come out with names in seven days, Ivanović said that everything was left to that. “It seems logical to me that when you say something, there is full awareness of what is being said, that it has matured to such a point that it is necessary to deliver it not only to the public but also to the Public Ministry, and unfortunately none of that. He came out with names, and nothing was done professionally to persecute all those people, ”he said.

It seemed to me that it was about the need for a political moment, I think it was used for daily political needs and nothing more than that, says Ivanović. Remember that two people were mentioned who were not included in the context of the act committed or of Oliver.

Ivanovic says he is “very disappointed with that attitude, all the more so because he himself has an idea of ​​what could and should have been done, that he currently has the necessary things to establish the full truth.”

Ivanovic recalls that it happened during the day, in the center of the city, that there were witnesses around, and that the part of the city in question was covered by cameras. He says that all that is enough to put together a story, and even that video surveillance, that nobody and nothing can happen without being recorded and that it just takes a review of all that material and then something can be started to start, he says. .

Neither Belgrade nor Pristina are suitable for launch, I think so, he said. “And I think it would be in the interest of both parties to solve that murder. The murder is obviously political, it has that political background … Because you cannot talk about Oliver in any other context, except that he is a politician, that he is a man who he expressed his thoughts, his thoughts, and that he did not want to join anyone, precisely because of the idea that no one could influence his freedom of opinion … There is no other reason ”, says Ivanović.

His character in people is getting stronger, as well as the need to solve everything, he said. “People see something more above Oliver himself in this whole story … There is a complete identification between what happened to Oliver and us as a family, and what possibly every man in this country could experience, precisely because he thinks differently “, he emphasizes. .

He says that it is very difficult for the family, that they miss him and that it is “all the more difficult because it is a violent death and that – why.”

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