It made them so happy that their secretary retired at the age of 36!


MILLIONAIRE DIVIDED MILLIONS TO EMPLOYEES: He made them so happy that his secretary retired at the age of 36!

Photo: Youtube / Printscreen

Molding paid an incredible 933 million euros and took care of its employees. In gratitude, he gave them a share of around 23 million euros last year, and some of them became billionaires or simply decided to retire.

“No one got less than a few hundred thousand,” Molding said.

Molding, who admits he started doing business online late, started selling CDs with John Gallamor in 2004 and, over the past 16 years, amassed a huge fortune.

His company owns about 100 websites that sell a variety of products, from cosmetics to protein supplements. Although Hat Group was listed on the stock exchange in September, the value of the shares jumped.

Molding, a Lancashire father of four, said he is a workaholic who runs his business empire from a mobile phone. He works all day and drinks 20 cups of coffee.

Despite everything, she takes care of her health and regularly goes to the gym, but also on luxury trips with her family.

He gives an annual salary of 750,000 pounds to charities and another 10 million pounds to help fight the coronavirus.

As far as the employees he served, everyone from the manager to the drivers who took him to the airport received a certain amount. His personal assistant, thanks to the stock money he received, decided to retire at age 36.

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Author: delivery courier
