How far is the average pension from the consumer basket and a decent old age?


The Swiss model for higher pensions and a better standard of living, thus announced an increase in pensions of 5.9 percent in January next year.

According to the Swiss model, the growth of pensions is in line with the growth of prices and the growth of wages. This means that the average Serbian pensioner, at the beginning of next year, will receive an average of 1,500 more dinars.

It will be much closer to the minimum consumption basket, which is currently 10,000 dinars. For unions, the average pension in the value of the consumer basket is the minimum for a decent life in old age.

“The Swiss formula is not bad for the modern and normal world, where pensions are not only social, but also vital, such as Switzerland, Germany, Austria. The increase of 5.9 percent is not a negligible figure, but the problem of pensioners is the massacre. “We are aware that the economy has collapsed, but the state must follow a more general policy, not spending money on national stadiums, monuments, which are not a priority at the time of the crown . All this can wait for better times, “he said. The pensioners union” Nezavisnost “Milos Grabundzija.

And better times will come for 2025, at least that’s what the president of the state, Aleksandar Vučić, says.

“We promise our plan and our projections to citizens that by the end of 2025 it will amount to 900 euros in Serbia, and that the average pension will amount to between 430 and 440 euros,” says Vucic.

This means that pensions should increase by 82% in the next five years. For the average pension to reach the minimum consumption basket, as long as its value remains around 38,000, pensions must increase by six percent each year, until 2025. Based on statistics and numbers, it is more important how many groceries citizens can put in their basket.

“We are all the time in a kind of statistical game that we play with government officials. Unfortunately, representatives of the unions and the Socio-Economic Council also participate, and that is because we have clung to that basket of consumers, in which you have a the family is expected to spend a kilo of bananas, 400 grams of beef or buy four kilograms of apples for 140 dinars. Let them tell us where to buy apples for 35 dinars, so that we too can buy “, says journalist Ivana Pavlović .

Almost a million retirees in Serbia, who receive less than 25 thousand dinars a month, wonder if they even have those cheap apples.
