Granny Coka confided in a friend immediately after the murder.



12.12.2020. 22:13 – 12.12.2020. 22:20

The murder of investor Zoran Trifunović in Zvezdara, committed by Stojanka Stojanović, Coka’s grandmother, remains divided among the public. Most call her a heroine of Serbia and a paradigm of the fight for justice, but a part of the citizens condemn her act.

Baka Coka

Baka Coka, Photo: Hello / Dejan Briza

Immediately after the murder, Grandma Coka confided in her friend and told her that she couldn’t take it anymore.

– She told me: “I had to kill him, he tortured me for two years. I couldn’t take it anymore” and I believed him. I’m sorry you hurt yourself, but I don’t think you could do it anymore – said Baka Coke’s friend.

Two years after the murder, Stojanka Stojanović (72) committed suicide at her home on Olga Jovanović Street in Belgrade. In the middle of the street he shot and killed investor Zoran Trifunović, with whom he had been in conflict for years over the plot of land where his family’s house is located.

It was revealed when police reviewed security camera footage, which clearly show how the crime occurred, that an elderly woman from Belgrade shot a man in the street in cold blood, put the gun in a bag and went to sleep. his house.

After that, Stojanović was arrested and spent some time in detention, but a few months ago she was released under house arrest with a nanny due to her age and illness. Yesterday he committed suicide at home by stabbing himself in the chest. According to unofficial information, he left a farewell letter in which he stated that “he could no longer bear the pressure because of everything that was happening.”

Her longtime acquaintance and friend said that Stojanka, or Coka’s grandmother as she always called her, was not the same person after her release from detention.

– He went out often, he went to the store, but he was no longer that old man … – he says, stating that they have seen each other many times since he was released from detention, but points out that “it was not like before.

– She came out weaker. She really did not respect the moment when they allowed her to leave because of the nanogy, I also saw her walking or in the store – she states and adds that in one of the conversations she revealed to her why she killed the investor in cold blood.

– When he came home from detention, he told me that he had to. “He tortured me for two years, I couldn’t bear it.” She told me that and I believed her – says a friend and claims that the crime changed her and then once she tried to commit suicide.

grandmother coka, murder, Zvezdara

baka coka, murder, Zvezdara, Photo: Printscreen Youtube

“The woman just wasn’t okay,” he said.

The neighbors, they say, did not complain about her. She always wanted to help everyone.

– I don’t have a bad word to say about her, and what she did … I think I couldn’t make a living from him … I remember once when they wanted to evict a boy from the street, Coka jumped first and talked about how nobody can ever cast. Everyone in the area is mostly native and everyone knows what Coka was like. We regret that he committed suicide, “say the neighbors.

Let us remind you that Stojanka Stojanović was found dead last night at her home in Zvezdara. He committed suicide by stabbing himself in the chest.

Grandma Coke’s case is remembered as a crime that drastically divided the Serbian public: those who see her act as “self defense against years of abuse by an arrogant investor”, and those who believe that, despite everything, took the life of another human being. it should fit. Stojanka Stojanović was threatened with 15 years in prison for the murder of an investor.
