13.09.2020. 07:00

Zvezdan Jovanović has been preparing the book for six years, Photo: Profimedia
Zvezdan Jovanovic (55), alias “Zveki”, in his book “Wolf’s Paths” about the assassination of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic (48), will name the politicians of the then democratic government and the police, who he claims were involved in the murder, and by his claims There is also documentation, he learns “Hello!”. The former commander of the “red berets” will not forgive any of the politicians in the book, but he will not falsely accuse anyone. Jovanovic has been writing the book for six years and it will contain unpublished details about the murder.

Murder under a veil of secrecy, Zoran Djindjic, Photo: EPA / Srdjan Shuki
– Zvezdan has spent years investigating everything about the murder, and in the end he obtained official documentation from state authorities. Much has emerged in the trials that marked the stigma created around JSO. Zvezdan carefully organizes all those details and cubes, supporting them with official documents from state bodies. As far as I know, he never saves from politicians, but he doesn’t join them either – Zvezdan’s lawyer, Gradimir Nalić, reveals exclusively for “Alo!”.
SURVEY: Did Zvezdan Jovanovic shoot and kill Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic?
He claims that Zvezdan describes his war path and the war path of his comrades in the book, which is why the book is called “Wolf Trails”.
– In the second part, he describes the moment in which he was arrested and forced to confess, which of course he denied during the procedure. Everything else you are trying to discover can be boiled down to two things. In that book, Zvezdan carefully arranges all those details and cubes, supporting them with official documents from state agencies. Make up a story more or less visible for a long time. So far there is no reaction and that is the answer if it will be a storm or everything will end in a general silence. It also reveals some of your knowledge that you will share with readers. In my opinion, from what I have seen, he is doing it in an extraordinary way, and we will all have to wait for him to know it – says Zvezdan’s lawyer, Gradimir Nalić, for “Alo!”

Lawyer Gradimir Nalić claims that Jovanović was never a sniper, Photo: Masanori Jošida / Alo
He claims that Zvezdan writes on a computer, but has no internet.
– You have the necessary search programs, but you don’t have the civilization achievement to keep up with life. There are ways to limit your communication in software and we will work to improve the policy in that direction. He is completely excluded from life. The passage of time gave new testimonies of actors of that time who wrote books and ran in front of the mineral. Now, because of that, they will have to explain not only to readers, but, I hope, to state authorities as well, says Zvezdan’s lawyer.

Dr. Mirolsav Bjegović Professor of Safety, Photo: TV Happy
Nalic points out that his client is always careful not to put his country or his colleagues in a bad position in relation to the event of that time, because, as he affirms, it can be abused a lot. An electronic presentation of the book is also planned.
Bjegović: A powerful foreign intelligence service was involved in the murder
Dr. Miroslav Bjegovic, professor of security, says Djindjic’s murder after 17 years is shrouded in secrecy.
– It requires total truth and clarification of who ordered the murder and with whom it was carried out. I think this week will not see the light because there are many events that have led the entire process in contrast. The tentacles of a very powerful foreign intelligence service are visible, which carried out the preparatory elements and blocked all wireless communication in the Serbian Government building at the time of the assassination. Of course, with the help of some officials of the then government and criminal parties in Serbia, that act could not be carried out. It is very strange, and even impossible, for a member of a special unit to drop or drop his rifle, which would serve as proof of coronation – says Bjegović and adds: – I think that after the publication of Jovanović’s book, many passions will be awakened in Serbia and abroad. in the political scene itself. The murder was professionally committed, and even ordered and paid for from abroad. When it comes to murders of this type, not one perpetrator is involved, but two.
– Zvezdan is not a sniper. That role was assigned to him by the police, who created a story about Zvezdan Jovanović as a murderer. A JSO gunsmith was questioned, who did not confirm that the sniper was from the unit, and also brought material evidence, official JSO records, as to who the rangefinder belonged to and how the police took it away and from whom, to from which the assumed distance was determined. target shooter. It belonged to a completely different member of the JSO. The rangefinder was never taken from Zvezdan, as Mile Novaković wrote. There is material evidence of who was taken and where it ended up, emphasizes attorney Nalic.