INSUFFICIENT EVIDENCE Rad fans are acquitted of charges for the murder of Ognjen Žanić


The Belgrade Court of Appeal acquitted Dejan Rutalj and Aleksa Vasiljević of the charges for the murder of Ognjen Žanić in the Čukarica park on May 24, 2018.

The media reported that all three were fans of FC Rad.

This decision of the Court of Appeal, which was published on its website, confirmed the first instance verdict of the Belgrade High Court of March this year, which acquitted Rutalj of the charges of murder and illegal possession of firearms and Vasiljevic of murder.

Rutalj and Vasiljevic were accused of killing Zanic on May 24, 2018, in a park in Cukarica, because they had previously “pushed” him to come there.

However, according to the courts, there was no evidence to indicate that Rutalj was carrying a revolver and fired three shots at the man killed on the critical day, or that Vasiljevic had previously distracted Zanic.

None of the witnesses questioned saw the moment when the crime was committed, nor the person who fired projectiles at the body of the wounded man, and the defendants fled the scene after the shooting, so the court could not draw any conclusion about the murder of the aggrieved ”, affirmed the Court of Appeals.

Furthermore, no biological traces of Rutalj were found at the scene, no paraffin gloves were removed and the pistol with which he was shot was never found.

At the same time, as the court added, no evidence points to the conclusion that Žinić was shot due to a possible conflict with the defendants.
