GRBOVIC SURROUNDED AND HIT: What did the witness say in the continuation of the murder trial in front of the “Nana” club?


He said he saw a fight from the front door of the club involving more than ten people, who were chasing and it was not known who was hitting whom. He saw Stevan Dukić, a member of the club’s security and accused of participating in the fight, lying on the concrete.

“Grbović came to calm him down, when that Isenović, who was extremely thin and of medium height, started hitting him on the back with his fists,” Koprivica said. – Savković was close to Grbović and two or three other guys around him cursed and beat him, and he defended himself with their hands. That Isenović crashed into him, and Grbović picked up something, a shot rang out and I fled to the club.

Koprivica said that after less than a minute he went back out the front door and saw Savković and two other boys walking towards Grbović and cursing him and how Savković lifted his shirt from the belt with his left hand:

– We thought he had a gun and we ran inside again and then a gunshot was heard. When I came out, I saw Savković lying down and Grbović standing next to him. He told me to call an ambulance, got in the car, and drove off.

AFFECTS DURING testimony, judicial expert Bojana Kecman said that during that event, Grbović’s ability to handle the process was reduced, but not significantly, and that there was increased emotional strain. In the supplemented finding, considering that Grbović later changed his defense and recounted in more detail what was happening, the expert said that there was a development of anger of medium intensity. Defense expert advisor Milutin Nenadović stated that Grbović was affected by a high intensity fear.

This witness also said that Savković had caused trouble before, because he wanted to enter the club “Nana” several times with a gun:

– About ten days before the murder, he was causing trouble inside, so they kicked him out, after which he came back with a hacker and asked, “Do I have a problem with you?” Grbović kidnapped that troublemaker, and Savković later calmed down. Grbović was on good terms with him, two days before the murder he drove Savković home in his car, because he would be drunk.

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