The suspects in Mirković’s murder were placed in preventive detention before the prosecutor


REMAINS BEHIND THE LOCKOUT: Mirkovic murder suspects ordered into custody BEFORE THE ATTORNEY

Photo: Social media, Zorana Jevtić

Last night the Belgrade High Court ordered the custody of LT (22), suspected of being the direct author of the murder of Bojan Mirković (34), and of two other suspects in this case, DK and FI

LT was taken into custody for all legal reasons: for the danger of fleeing, not to influence witnesses and not to repeat the crime in a short period of time, and due to public harassment, specified court spokeswoman Tatjana Tesic.

According to DK, the arrest was ordered for the danger of flight, so that the crime would not be repeated in a short period of time and for public harassment, and according to FI for the danger of flight and public harassment, Tesic added.

Defendants and their defense attorney can file an appeal against the decision ordering custody to the extrajudicial criminal panel within three days.

LT (22) and DK, suspected of complicity in the murder, quietly defended themselves at the hearing at the Belgrade Superior Prosecutor’s Office last night, while FI, the suspect of complicity, denied the crime, but did not want to answer any further questions.

DK (32) is suspected of having participated in the murder of Mirkovic, along with LT, BK and IN, who were arrested on Saturday, according to prior agreement. He is suspected of having reported LT’s exact movement and Mirković’s location prior to the murder over the phone for an encrypted communication.

Suspect FI (29), a citizen of Montenegro, is charged with intentionally helping to commit this crime by promising LT that he would hide it after the murder.

It is suspected that he did so on 23 November, when he tried to transfer LT to the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a vehicle.

All three were arrested on Monday and two suspected of complicity were arrested on Saturday.

They are IN (39) from Nikšić residing in Belgrade and BK (37) from Belgrade. They were placed in preventive detention after the hearing.

Together with LT and DK, they are charged with the crime of aggravated murder in complicity, in which LT is located in conjunction with the illegal possession of a weapon.

Mirkovic was murdered on November 12 in the garage of the Belleville building, and the killers then managed to escape. He had false documents with him under another name.


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Author: delivery courier
