10 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HEATING When the season starts, how you pay, and why MATH decides on hot radiators


After the cold tests that lasted during the first ten days of October, due to the low temperatures, today the warm ones started, so the radiators of the houses in Belgrade, as announced by the authorities, should be heated this morning or during the night.

Before the start of another heating season, we will remind you of ten things to know about heating in Belgrade.

Season 1

The heating season officially lasts from October 15 to April 15, and then the “Belgrade power plants” are obliged to start the system, except in the case of extremely high temperatures.

2. Extraordinary

In the case of low outside temperatures, from October 1 to 14 and from April 16 to May 3, the “Belgrade Power Stations” are obliged to heat the houses of the Belgraders if the daily average temperature is below 12 degrees .

3. Extension

A couple of years ago, the City Assembly passed a decision according to which, in the case of extremely low temperatures, heating will continue even after May 3.

4. Mathematics

The average daily temperature is calculated according to the T system at 7.00 + T at 14.00 + 2xT at 21.00 and then all that divided by four.

5. Heating day

The heating day lasts from 6:00 to 22:00 and on Sundays from 7:00 to 22:00. At low outside temperatures, the heating day can be extended and even the heating can be continuous.

6. Hot 24 hours

The heat supply is not interrupted at night between December 31 and January 1, between January 6 and 7 and between January 13 and 14, as well as in the case of extremely low temperatures.

7. Temperature

The temperature in living rooms, bedrooms, hallways and kitchens should be 20 degrees. One degree of plus or minus is allowed.

8. Interruption

Heating stops when temperatures above 15 degrees last for more than two hours, and re-supply of thermal energy begins when temperatures are 12 degrees or less. The break cannot be less than four hours.

There is no heating if temperatures above 15 degrees last more than 10 hours and when they are above 12 degrees Celsius between 6.00 and 9.00.

9. Payment

Users pay the costs of the thermal energy consumed, that is, heating, 12 months a year. More precisely, the costs during the heating season are correctly distributed in 12 equal monthly installments.

10. Accounts

The “Belgrade Power Plants” are not obliged to reduce citizens’ bills in case of no heating due to high external temperatures. However, they do not have the possibility to charge extra if they heat the apartments 24 hours a day.
