Zec: It is better to dissolve the Assembly and the independent bodies, than to pay them – Economy


The professor of the Belgrade Faculty of Philosophy, Miodrag Zec, told H1 that the structure of society and the state in Serbia has collapsed and that it is decided according to the key of the party who will be the director, the surgeon, even the goalkeeper .

Rabbit: It is better to dissolve the Assembly and the independent bodies, instead of paying them 1Photo: Miroslav Dragojevic

He also referred to the attacks that members of the Fiscal Council were exposed to, noting that Professor Pavle Petrović was at the forefront of perhaps the last independent act, and then had to survive the attacks.

“The big problem is that the people in the Assembly who say that, the notion of an independent body is alien to them, it is outside their mental structure, they did not understand what it is for. As they are the majority, they have nothing to do, and they have done it, they should go item by item of the budget, but they do not. “The Fiscal Council serves to draw attention to some things that, in good faith, are not participants in political life,” says Zec.

Therefore, he says, if all power is in the hands of a single man, it is better to dissolve the Assembly and independent bodies, rather than pay them.

“It is better to dissolve and we have no costs because they are useless if it is like that. The nature of the division of power is not understood here. It is not understood what the public is for, any possibility of a critical relationship is erased, that is also bad for the government. Not understanding the nature of a democratic society, ”Zec added.

When asked how dangerous it is that there is no opposition in the Serbian Assembly, Zec replies: a lot.

Zec: It is better to dissolve the Assembly and the independent bodies, than to pay them 2

“Those who led to that are not even aware that it is a valve so that society is not involved in a conflict in which it can explode. You keep accumulating some problem and it is not good.

Opposition is a natural state of order, not a disruptive factor. “There should be a debate, public scrutiny, if there is no such thing, it ends up in some kind of conflict,” Zec said.

He says: in Serbia, the basic question has not been resolved: what kind of model of society do we want.

“Are we in favor of parliamentary democracy or of a presidential system where there is no need to order a parliament? We have one thing in law and another in life. If we want a presidential system, we can do it, it can work. But here, the debate is understood as a fight in the mud, here is the system of who will do it and when ”, said Zec.

Commenting on the budget for 2021, Zec believes that the most slippery terrain is the growth rate and the projected deficit on that basis.

“In the end, there will be a deficit and a projection, and this is a time when it is difficult for any government in the world to project anything. It was supposed to go with a smaller projection of the growth rate. Politically, it can be a production of optimism, maybe it’s good, I’m a skeptic and I would like to be wrong, ”says Zec.

Zec says the “health care earthquake” exposed long-held investment in health care.

According to him, the authorities must admit that there are no great masters in marketing.

“Convert every economic fact into public data, and you don’t have the opportunity to analyze what is growing and what is falling. You are looking for data that is combined, there is no analysis, you cannot ask what is growing and why it is falling, Professor Zec noted.

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