YOUR HUSBAND IS HOLY THROUGH HIS CHILDREN! Safe House’s Vesna Stanojević revealed her thoughts on Tanja’s case, here’s the advice she gave her


Tanja Savić’s struggle to return her abducted minor children from Australia to Serbia has been going on for seven months, and the singer recently revealed shocking new details of her marriage to Dušan Jovancević to the public.

Tanja claimed that her husband stole 150,000 euros of her savings, that he got into a fight with his parents and sister, but also that he allegedly persuaded their children to commit violence against her.

All this, as Vesna Stanojević, Safe House coordinator explains, is a common scenario that every victim of domestic violence suffers from their abuser.

– In the case of Tanja Savić, what most impresses the public is that children become victims and the main weapon of a violent partner. This unfortunately happens a lot. They do not talk about love for children, it is exclusively about revenge for a woman who decided to cut herself and end manipulation, abuse and bad life. There really is no love of a father for a son, so it happens that partners return children to their wives as soon as they find a new partner – says Vesna, adding that bullies usually try to isolate their victim from the environment to manipulate him. as easily as possible.

photo: Marina Lopicic

– The question is why her money was with him and why did he try by all means to separate her from all those who love and care about her. Isolating a partner is the beginning of violence. The abuser separates you from friends, relatives, neighbors, from everyone who could prevent the abuse that started against the victim – says Vesna, who points out that children quickly fall under the influence of a violent father – The mother becomes a stranger for children because they hear bad things about her. After a long period, there is a pressure that they believe in what they are exposed to. Abusers know very well that children are the victim’s weakest point, so in such cases it is not necessary to use them against the mother – he affirms and ensures that the singer has taken all the necessary measures.

– As far as I know, Tanja took all the necessary measures and went to the Ministry of Justice. He did everything he could in the fight for his children. On the other hand, the Ministry of Justice has done everything in its power, they are in contact with our embassy in Australia. The ball is with them for now and patience remains.

photo: Damir Dervišagić


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