“You came to Kosovo only for American interests”


Shkelzen Gashi, Kurti’s former adviser, told the American soldier that the only reason the United States intervened in Kosovo was the realization of interests.

Source: Kosovo online

Illustration: EPA-EFE / STRINGER

Illustration: EPA-EFE / STRINGER

The entire conflict on the social network began after Albin Kurti said that if he returned to the Kosovo government he would not implement the Serbia-Kosovo economic agreement, which was signed on Friday at the White House with the mediation of the United States.

That prompted Special Envoy Richard Grenel to respond, telling Curti that he was always against the United States, prompting more comments on social media.

A member of the US military, IJ Todd, told Kurti yesterday on Twitter that he was sure that without the help of his state, peace in Kosovo could not be maintained.

Shkelzen Gashi responded to that statement that the United States intervened in Kosovo because it was in its interest.

“IJ said ‘just make sure I don’t have to come to keep the peace in Kosovo anymore.’ Sir, you came to Kosovo because it was in your country’s interest, and you will come back if it’s in your interest. So much.” Gashi wrote.
