YES, IT IS ALARMING! Belgrade remains the FIRST IN NUMBER OF INFECTED, other cities cannot even compete with the capital


Of the 151 newly infected in the last 24 hours, the majority are again from Belgrade, that is, more than half come from the capital.

There are up to 78 patients in Belgrade according to the last section, which is 52 percent of the total number of newly infected.

The others that follow cannot even be compared to the capital for the number of infected.

That is, Novi Sad has 7 new cases, Nis, Kragujevac and Krusevac 5 each, Valjevo, Vranje, Paracin and Raska 3 each, and the other 2, 1 or 0.

Belgrade, although it has the largest number of inhabitants, and therefore the absolute number of the most infected, has been marked for weeks as a city where the epidemiological situation is drastically deteriorating, and yesterday the situation was valued as alarming in the Crisis Staff.

Today, however, the figures are even worse: we have 30 more newly infected than yesterday.

VIDEO Kisić: The largest number of people infected in BG, measures must be tightened

Celebrations have been flagged as the main reason for the spread of the infection, but non-compliance with epidemiological measures in public transport is also problematic. That is why controls were strengthened here yesterday, and from today the restaurant offer will also intensify.

In addition, the Ministry of Health has launched a viber number – 064/8811405 where citizens can report all those who violate the measures.

In addition, a new measure is valid throughout the territory of Serbia as of today: due to the worsening of the epidemiological situation in our country, the crisis personnel decided in yesterday’s session that all catering, trade and craft facilities, including those with gardens, they can operate in Serbia up to 23 hours, instead of until one after midnight.

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