Wui: We only woke up one morning and heard that the war had started.


Serbian President Aleksandar Vui will attend a meeting with representatives of the National Convention on the European Union, his cabinet confirmed.

Source: B92, Tanjug

You can follow the latest information from the meeting of the representatives of the National Convention for the EU with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vui, on the portal B92.net.

He said at the beginning of the first conference that the first power was economic, the second military, and the third was something completely new and emerged for pandemics: the power of health.

“Consequently, Serbia is developing the best possible relations with the powers and attracting investment,” he said.

He also says that the events between Armenia and Azerbaijan are a message for Serbia.

“Frozen conflicts are never good, this one has been frozen for 30 years and we only woke up one morning and heard that the war had started. The other thing is that the world is powerless to do anything. That is why it is important to do strategies and security. , and that the tactic is such that we are ready to save the country, if someone thinks of attacking it. So that this does not happen to us, we must also be a deterrent for the aggressor, “he said.

Regarding today’s meeting, he says that there was an open conversation, that attitudes were made, but that it is good practice to speak.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vui commented on Director Goran Markovi’s statement that Vui would not hand over power without blood.

“I do not know what will be the end of anyone, glorious or infamous of their deeds, of history and of those who will judge. I am exposed, not only to the most brutal attacks, but to lies that it is impossible to answer,” he continues. :

“Fortunately for me, they won’t be able to figure out who built so many roads, raised wages so fast, built so many railroads, hospitals, opened so many museums. it was once when we lost them, we recognize them and appreciate them. ”

He also says that they never defended anything with blood, but au, and when they “met in front of the Presidency” Vui affirms that he did not flee from the “beatings” or from those who invaded and occupied the Assembly, bastards with baseball bats who threw fences to the middle ones. “.

“We didn’t kill the man, they killed Ranko Panio, and we let them walk wherever and whenever they wanted,” he said.

He says that the “who are not even physically there” talk about violence and blood, and he also thinks this is about them.

“We will democratically hand over power to anyone who wins the election, I can’t wait for that to happen. I don’t plan to leave this country and I haven’t stolen a single dinar, nor have I cheated for seconds on RTS, I intend to live here and train some. ” children and being successful and more successful than all of them, ”he says at the end.

Wui: We have never been further from a compromise solution

At the beginning of the meeting, Vui addressed the regime saying that it was difficult for him to speak at such a meeting.

“In Serbia, everyone has a president better than the president, a selector than a selector and a director than a director. kae at the beginning.

“The most important thing for me is to say that we want to preserve peace and stability, almost at any cost. The case of Armenia and Azerbaijan has shown us how dangerous frozen relations are,” he said, stressing that times have changed and that we must be willing to save our country at all times ”, he affirms and adds:

In that conflict, we saw the absolute silence of the entire international community. And that is why I am against the state of frozen conflict in the Balkans. ”

He stressed that it is enough for a regional power to say “expel them, attack them”, and no one can do anything other than issue two statements.

“I am against maintaining a frozen conflict in any part of the Balkans, including the territory of our country, and it is crucial that we do not contribute to the outbreak of passions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and I cannot say that I am not worried.”

He also states that we are proud that Serbia is making its own decisions and that our most important tasks are the difficult talks on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija.

“Conditions are difficult and bad. We must understand our position well, insist on dialogue and see how to save the people of Kosovo and Metohija. There are around 95,000 Serbs, we have a minor decrease in departures, especially in northern Kosovo. That life is life from today “Until tomorrow, because nobody knows what the day and the next morning will bring. That is why we will do everything possible to move closer to a compromise solution, although it seems to me that we have never been further from that, “he said.

The topics of the meeting are “Foreign Policy of Serbia” and “Perspectives of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina”.

The topics of the meeting are “Foreign Policy of Serbia” and “Perspectives of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina”.

Representatives of the media were able to record the introductory speeches of Aleksandar Vui and the coordinator of the National Convention on the EU, Natae Dragojlova, which began at 10 o’clock in the Palace of Serbia.

The National Convention announced yesterday that the objective of the meeting is to restart the dialogue on the solution of the Kosovo problem, as well as the foreign policy issues of Serbia.

The Convention establishes that the meeting is part of a strategic dialogue aimed at allowing a debate between representatives of civil society and senior Serbian officials on key aspects of Serbia’s accession to the European Union.

Eminent experts in foreign policy, international relations and European integration, as well as members of the Working Group of the Chapter 35 National Convention, will participate in the meeting.
