Milorad had a bomb in his hand, he killed him on the spot! It broke up like it was a war


Milorad A. (45) died this morning around 10 am in the explosion of a hand grenade that he allegedly showed his son (8) in the village of Tešica near Aleksinac.

As we discovered unofficially, a child was also injured in the detonation. Tesica residents say they were all spooked by a loud explosion.

– It exploded as if the war was around 10 o’clock, and soon we heard the police – locals say: – We heard that Milorad was showing the bomb to his son and while he was holding it in his hand, it exploded. literally killed him on the spot – our people declare interlocutors.

They explain that the unfortunate man lived in the house with his wife, daughter and son, but that they do not know where the other occupants were at the time of the explosion.

– A terrible tragedy! His brother passed away a month ago, and look what happened now – the neighbors say. JI / Photo by Zorana Jevtić

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Author: delivery courier
