11.22.2020. 17:03

Urban transport, GSP, Photo: Hello! / Vladimir Markovic
As of Tuesday, November 24, due to the reduction in the opening hours of restaurants, cafes, bars, discos, betting houses and shopping centers until 6:00 p.m., in the period from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. , 236 additional vehicles will be included in public passenger transportation lines, the city announced. Secretariat of Public Transport.
As indicated, within 20 hours, there will be a reduction in departures due to reduced number of passengers.
Do you take public transport?
Carriers received notices, which will be displayed on the first door of the vehicle, related to the maximum number of passengers in the vehicle depending on the type of vehicle, and according to the epidemiological situation and the measures taken.
These activities were carried out by the Ministry of Public Transport in accordance with the new measures adopted by the Government of the Republic of Serbia for the suppression of the epidemic caused by the Covid-19 virus, the implementation of which will begin on Tuesday, November 24.
Passengers, as before, can check the schedules of each line on the website of the Ministry of Public Transport www.bgprevoz.rs.
The Ministry of Public Transport makes a new appeal to users of public passenger transport in the territory of the city of Belgrade to respect the obligation to wear protective masks in vehicles, as well as at stops where large numbers of people are .
Buses stop at all stops
Although some members of the Crisis Staff said that buses would not stop at all stops, it is clear that this measure will not be applied.
– A large number of vehicles will be on the streets, so each vehicle will stop at each station along its route – it was said from the city’s Public Transport Secretariat!