WILL MEASURES BE RELAXED BEFORE THE HOLIDAYS? Dr. Kisić Tepavčević gave an explanation.


Until then, the decision adopted by the Government of Serbia in the last session is in force, so the working hours of shopping centers, clothing stores, betting houses, casinos and children’s game rooms will be until 8:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. The restaurant facilities have the same working hours, with the exception that music is not allowed inside the bar from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., without exception.

While citizens enthusiastically follow the decisions of the authorities with special attention and wait to hear under what measures we will celebrate the New Year, epidemiologists and the professional part of the public assure that the welcome of December 31 and Christmas represent the greatest challenge since the beginning of the epidemic.

Darija Kisić Tepavčević, a member of the crisis staff and Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs, told us that a moment of inattention and relaxation of citizens is enough, which can cause a further increase in the number of people infected. virus. He explained that patience and perseverance are needed now.

– We must understand that every moment of our inattention and weakness the virus can take advantage of. That is why I wish you all more patience and perseverance to welcome the next New Year healthy and without masks – she said, adding that the impatience of citizens who wanted a normal life is understandable, but that such questions surprise her.

– Before the summer, the main question of many was whether we can go to the sea, and now they are related to the celebration and wintering. On the one hand, that is understandable, because we all wanted a normal life, and these periods of the year are the ones that we have always been looking forward to most, said Minister Kisić Tepavčević.

When asked if we need stricter measures, considering that we had movement bans and curfews in the first wave with fewer infected people, he explained the difference between the beginning and the end of the year.

– At the beginning of the epidemic in our country, we decided on a conservative approach with a movement ban. The virus entered our country among the last in Europe and we were able to see the course of the epidemic from the experiences of other countries. We have witnessed the collapse of healthcare systems across Europe and we are determined not to allow that to happen to us. At that time, it was not possible to purchase a sufficient number of PCR tests. That’s why we decided to introduce a curfew – he explained, adding that he believes that we have succeeded in what many countries are not, and that is the protection of older citizens.

The last session of the Crisis Staff was held on Monday, December 21, when the decision was made to extend the working hours of all stores and businesses from 5 to 8 p.m. Crisis staff has scheduled this change until tomorrow, December 25.

– A new session of crisis personnel is scheduled for Friday, in which we will see if we expand, modify or complement the new measures we adopt today – said then the epidemiologist Dr. Branislav Tiodorović.

Let us remind you, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Health, in the last 24 hours, the corona virus was confirmed in 4,091 people in Serbia, and 49 patients died at the same time.

15,387 people were analyzed, of which 26.59 tested positive.

There are 312 patients on the ventilator.

A total of 2,882 people died and 9,688 people were hospitalized.

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