Will Dodik be transferred to Belgrade? – alo.rs



12.21.2020. 15:38 – 21.12.2020. 16:15

Dodik underwent a crown test and the results are still awaited.


Korona, Photo: Tanjug

Bosnia and Herzegovina’s member of the presidency, Milorad Dodik, was admitted to hospital early this morning with bilateral pneumonia.

Dodik underwent a crown test and the results are still awaited.

As Alo discovers, a real drama is taking place at the hospital.

– Dodik has stomach problems, even the doctors still don’t know what’s wrong with him, but multiple tests have been done. The results are still awaited and a crown test was performed, but the result is still unknown, says a source close to Dodik, Alo.

Milorad Dodik

Milorad Dodik, Photo: PrintscreenYoutube

According to our source, if Dodik’s condition worsens, he will be transferred to Belgrade.

– Doctors are thinking, if his condition worsens, transport him to Belgrade – says our source.

We remind you that on Saturday, Dodik’s office announced that he was in home isolation due to contact with a person positive for the corona virus.
