Svetozar Crnogorac passed away! –



03.04.2021. 10:41

He used his business contacts to collect aid for Herzegovina Serbia during the war and post-war years.

Svetozar Crnogorac

Svetozar Crnogorac, Photo: Printscreen

Svetozar Crnogorac, longtime president of the Homeland Club of Gacan, died in Belgrade at the age of 71 as a result of the corona virus.
He was one of the most active natives of Herzegovina Serbia. As a successful businessman, he never deviated from his patriotic and national orientation, which is why he made an active contribution in the defense-patriotic war and joined the ranks of the creators of the Republika Srpska with the famous Divine Brigade.

He used his business contacts to collect aid for Herzegovina Serbia during the war and post-war years.

Together with his brotherhood, the Montenegrin led the renovation of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Mother of God in his hometown of Stari Dulići near Gacko.

As president of the Gacan club, he initiated many humanitarian actions and helped families in social danger in his homeland.

For many years he was vice president of the Coordinating Board of all Herzegovinian native associations in Serbia. Taking care not only of his Gacko, but also of the whole of Herzegovina, he initiated a series of actions, the most important of which is the Academy of Herzegovina dedicated to the renovation of Prebilovac and the erection of the Church of the Resurrection.

He helped editorial activity whose content was intended to preserve Serbian national culture and selflessly helped his compatriots and all people of good will in various circumstances of life.

He wowed with his charisma, so it is not surprising that the traditional villages of Gačani were at the same time the most massive gathering of Herzegovinians in Belgrade.

Fighting for the rights of Serbian returnees with his close associates and with the help of the Serbian Orthodox Church, he approached Valentin Inzko with demands to preserve the Serbian name in the Neretva Valley.

The people of Herzegovina in Serbia remember him as a man with a big heart, wide views, and good and honorable intentions.
