Whoever does not wear a mask will pay dearly! Penalty of 20,000 to 150,000!


BELGRADE – The Serbian Government has prescribed a series of protective measures in the fight against the coronavirus, and whoever does not respect them can receive a very high fine.

Firstly, protective measures (masks, gloves, physical distance) are mandatory in public transport and indoors, but also in cafeteria and restaurant gardens if more than two people are together. Anyone who persistently rejects and rejects the mask and other protective measures will be fined up to 150,000!

Namely, the Law on Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases stipulates that the government can introduce more rigorous measures to curb the coronavirus epidemic if it is unleashed again. Therefore, all our citizens who do not wear protective masks are at risk of paying a fine of 20,000 dinars if the fears of epidemiologists are realized and the number of people infected with coronavirus begins to increase considerably as of May 18. !

What does the president of the misdemeanor court say?

The president of the Small Crimes Court, Olivera Ristanović, confirmed that the fine for not wearing a mask will be around 20,000 dinars. – If the profession decides that wearing masks will be mandatory, anyone who violates this measure will pay a fine of 20,000. Certainly, not everyone will be punished for this crime with the maximum penalty. There is a possibility that the punishment is less than the legal minimum, he told the Informer. Every judge has the right to mitigate punishment if he believes that even a smaller amount will have an effect, but also vice versa, if someone persistently violates the measures. Then there is a maximum fine of up to 150,000 dinars, Ristanovic explained.

The mandatory use of masks as one of the measures will mean that they are used in all public places: shopping malls, public transport, but also in cafes and restaurants. The intensified epidemiological measures would also apply to the grounds of catering facilities when more than two people are at a table together, but also to all political and other gatherings attended by large numbers of people.


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Author: delivery courier
