WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO KOSOVO? Lazanski relayed Moscow’s position, the situation has never been clearer


Tomorrow the head of Russian diplomacy, Sergey Lavrov, will arrive in Belgrade on the day of the formation of the Government. When asked if there are any symbolism, Miroslav Lazanski says that he thinks it is a coincidence.

– I would not ask for a special reason, because that visit was agreed in the last ten days. Minister Lavrov’s original trip was Athens-Zagreb-Sarajevo, with a new building of the Russian embassy in Croatia to be inaugurated in Zagreb, and he is going to Sarajevo for 25 years since the signing of Dayton, Lazanski said as a guest at the ” Jutarnji program “.

It was announced that Lavrov will meet with President Aleksandar Vučić and that deeper cooperation between Serbia and Russia will be discussed. Answering the question whether that means that Belgrade and Moscow passed all the tests, Lazanski notes that there were several daily tests, especially at the time of the signing of the Washington agreement, and there were also several, as he puts it, malicious comments.

He noted that there is no noise in relations between Serbia and Russia.

– Relations between Moscow and Belgrade are stable, we have a strategic partnership, a strategic friendship. Russia supports Serbia in all its international forums in all its positions, Serbia is the only country together with Belarus and North Macedonia that has not imposed sanctions on the Russian Federation, we have never supported any resolution in the EU against Russia and Moscow appreciates it Lazanski pointed out.

“Everyone is looking forward to November 3 and the US presidential elections”

When asked how he would assess the geopolitical situation, Lazanski said that everyone is looking forward to November 3 and the US presidential election.

– American foreign policy is always consistent like a great ship, it cannot change much. Some are possible shadows – Lazanski said.

Speaking about the Washington agreement and whether it is an attempt by the United States to regain influence in the Balkans, Lazanski says that he would not characterize it as an attempt to return to the United States, because “it has been present in the Balkans for much longer and is much more involved in various processes than the Russian Federation. ” “.

– Soft power Russia is more symbolically present here in relation to soft power in the United States. There is a disproportion in the fact that the more politically present Americans are here, the less their officials come to Belgrade for official visits, Lazanski believes.

– When was the Secretary of State of the United States, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, on an official visit to Belgrade? Pompeo reached Pristina, but not Belgrade. When was the last time the American president was in Yugoslavia? Putin has been there three times in the last four years. We are talking about how much someone respects you and respects you, and how much he ignores you – added Lazanski.

Commenting on the interpretations of the personnel decisions in the new government as a shift and abandonment of the policy of closeness between Serbia and Russia, Lazanski says that there are different interpretations, but that Serbia is a sovereign and independent country pursuing a foreign policy independent and, consequently, composes its own government. speculation.

– We have excellent relations with Moscow, Presidents Vučić and Putin have excellent relations, visits are very frequent at the highest level, economic cooperation could be greater, but this pandemic has put everything in danger – said Lazanski.

When asked if Putin will come to Belgrade, Lazanski said that, of course, he will. “At the time of the pandemic, he did not travel to any other country, he is only in Russia. You have to look for noise where there is none, there is no place for that,” Lazanski said.

As planned, the current situation to resolve the Kosovo-Metohija situation will be discussed in the meeting with Lavrov. Lazanski says that Russia is clear in its position of principle: international law, Resolution 1244 and everything that Belgrade and Pristina agreed on.

– I do not see room for any kind of speculation, if we agree with Pristina that the solution for Kosovo will be one way or another, they will support it – Lazanski concluded.

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