WHAT DID MY SON TAKE UNIVERSE? The trial for the murder of “Nana” is over, the father of the victim awaits a fair verdict, Grbović does not feel guilty


In her closing remarks, the deputy prosecutor requested that he be found guilty of aggravated homicide and that he be sentenced in accordance with the law. He also asked that his detention be extended until the verdict is final.

– Grbović was interrogated twice and the first time he denied the crime, and the second time he partially confessed, indicating his condition and the reason for justifying it – said the deputy prosecutor. – The fact is that he did not deny that he had a weapon and that he fired. It is also indisputable that Aleksandar Savković’s death was violent and caused by a firearm. Likewise, the expert witness Bojana Kecman refuted his defense and showed that his sanity was reduced by the affect of anger, and not by the fear to which he was referring.

Predrag Savković, the father of the murdered man, also briefly addressed the court, saying that he believed in a fair trial and had been wondering for three years “why, why did he take my only son?”

On the other hand, Grbović expressed his condolences to the Savković family, who regretted everything that happened, but also did not feel guilty. He asked that his detention be lifted after the verdict or that he be placed under house arrest so that he could be with the children.

His defense lawyer Vanja Grbić refuted the accusation and said that Grbović did not commit the crime in the manner described in it:


In addition to Grbović, who worked in the security of “Nana”, three members of the security, Miloš Tančev, Stefan Šapurić and Stevan Dukić, are in the dock, who are being tried for participating in a fight against the club, which according to the prosecution preceded the murder. All three denied fighting, and their lawyers claimed there was no evidence that there had been a fight and that Savković’s friends confirmed it. They claimed it was unclear who their clients were fighting with and why those others weren’t charged either.

– As if he took out a weapon of pure peace and fired. It was proven that this was not the case, Isenović attacked him first, then Savković and fired in self-defense for fear of losing his life. His defense was honest and consistent with the evidence. When the event happened, he was in a state of narrow consciousness and in fear of high intensity. He did not commit aggravated homicide, because there was no intention or motive for it. He shot in self-defense and that murder was also an unintended consequence on the fly.

Gajić claimed that the court should release Grbović or convict him for exceeding the necessary defense, or for negligent murder or just murder with significantly reduced sanity, and not for aggravated murder.

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