“We weren’t sure if we would get out of there alive.”


On the night of October 5, FPN professor Mijat Damjanović, Judge Slobodan Vučetić and I went to the President of Serbia, Milan Milutinović, first to the presidency and then to a separate location. We went to him when there was an intrusion into the Assembly and the RTS building because our idea was to try to convince him not to take the army to the streets.

The shocking thing was that he had no accurate data at all. I did not know that the television had fallen, that people had entered the Assembly … Incredible. At one point he asked for the television to be brought to him, and when it was brought in and turned on, Nebojsa Covic was on television. Only then was it completely clear to Milutinović that there was a fault. When he saw that, he just said, “I have to go to Milosevic.” We stayed to wait for him. It was a stormy night. I don’t think any of the three of us who went there were sure they would ever get out of there alive.

Milan MilutinovićPhoto: E. Čonkić / RAS Serbia

Milan Milutinović

We waited for you for hours. Upon his return, Milutinovic said in a way that Milosevic also had no truthful information and that he thought that many had betrayed him and so on. Milosevic hoped that the army would go to war with the people for the sake of his throne. However, the generals had very good information. That’s one of the things he saved on October 5. They knew that the people’s army should not go to the people. They knew it would be bloodshed. They also knew that one thing is when you defend theft and another when you defend the law. When you defend the theft, you go from the People’s Army to the Praetorian Guard. They did not agree to be the Praetorian Guard. They did a great thing for the people. And I must admit that several policemen did not agree to be the Praetorian Guard. You also have a very clear piece of information, and that is that Police General Goran Radosavljevic Guri did not want to launch tear gas from a helicopter. Nor did he want to be the Praetorian Guard.

Božo Prelević Photography: Filip Krainčanin / Tanjug

Božo Prelević

Djindjic met with the Legion the night before October 5, on Admiral Geprat Street. It was Zoran’s attempt to avoid casualties, and of course Legija led the meeting in such a way that he was everywhere, that is, to be good to everyone. DOS did not want blood to fall on him and in all this there is a terrible lie that the Legion and the JSO took to the streets with the people. The JSO took to the streets very well armed to react. However, the number of citizens who surrounded them and the willingness of those citizens not to move influenced their not reacting. After that, an absolutely wrong book on I Don’t Know What Merits of the JSO was published for October 5th …

An important role in the fall of the Milosevic regime was played by the non-governmental organization “Lex”, of which I was a member, which brought together all the judges that Milosevic expelled and many professors from the University of Belgrade. He defended DOS before the Federal Court after September 24, when his elections were stolen. Based on the documentation, we concluded that the elections were stolen because there were more votes in Kosovo than the votes used. Let’s say there were tens of thousands of votes in favor of the SPS from the number of ballots used, which is absolutely impossible. In “Lex”, besides me, there were Slobodan Vucetic, Lucic de Cesid, Vida Skero, Lepa Karamarkovic, Jelisaveta Vasilic, Zoran Ivosevic, Mira Rasic, Vesna Rakic-Vodinelic … We managed to drive it to the clearing and then we used it. as a basis for demonstrations.

October 5 is the day people said “it won’t be possible.” In that sense, it was a victory for the people. Who was with Milosevic? There was neither academy nor church, Patriarch Pavle was very clear, in the end there was neither army nor police. After October 5, there were a lot of good moves. We are returning to the path of the European Union, we are returning to the United Nations, we are returning the old savings in foreign currency to the people, wages and pensions are jumping, we are starting to make normal laws, some systems are being installed, everything would go incomparably more fast if there was no TWO conflict.

Zoran DjindjicPhoto: Koča Sulejmanović / EPA;

Zoran Djindjic

You often hear in Serbia that we got lost on October 6, and when you ask them what you expected on October 6, several citizens expected that the others, that is, the SPS, would be impaled or killed … DOS was not ready It ended in a non-institutional way, there was no availability at any time, I would not be the first to participate in it. In my opinion, the biggest problem with October 6 is that no debugging took place. We formed a POSKOK unit that started 140 investigations and very quickly we learned how Ivan Stambolic was assassinated, what happened on the Ibar highway … The first thing the new government did was dissolve the POSKOK group. Second, it passed the Debugging Law, which it never implemented. Third, we passed the File Opening Act, and those files were never opened … And then both key policy options, DS and DSS, begin to cooperate with the SPS, and openly. They fell for the fact that the security services shot them down and clashed. DOS fell for that, DOS didn’t crash on its own. To protect their interests, the security services broke the DOS by separating the DS and DSS, and then clashed. Who was the fiercest in that conflict? I have to tell you that the most ferocious were those who are now in the SNS or are SNS satellites.

VIDEO: October 5
