We pay the guild for a vacation and go to the mountain


The medical coordinator of the Kovid hospital in the Belgrade Arena, Predrag Bogdanović, said that 290 patients were housed in that center, of which 85% of the admission itself requires oxygen “and other types of aggressive therapies according to the protocol.”

He told Serbian Radio Television that some 30 patients had already been admitted to the hospital during the day, adding that he expected that number to reach 50 during the night.

We paid the guild for a vacation and a stay in the mountains. We return to the figures from November, when we had between 50 and 70 patients a day of admission. The clinical picture is now much more severe than during the summer and early winter. It is no longer a moderate clinical picture, but a severe one, it is serious complications and infections, pneumonia, “said Bogdanović.

He also stated that there are “a little more” men than women among the patients in the Arena, adding that in recent days, patients aged 20 to 30 years with a “very severe clinical picture” have been admitted to that hospital every more often. .

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