WE DISCOVERED that 150 EUR has just been spent for each WORKER, 36,000 dinars and for entrepreneurs who started BUSINESS after March 15


This morning, the state paid the last minimum in the amount of 18,000 dinars for just over a million workers employed in 235,000 companies. According to our information, the Treasury Department began loading the order early this morning at six o’clock and from nine o’clock the money was delivered to the banks. This is the second payment of 60 percent of the minimum wage, within the second aid package.

This is the fifth minimum wage paid by the Serbian Government, and in the words of Finance Minister Siniša Mali, more than 130 billion dinars were allocated from the state treasury for five minimum wages.

 Photo: Shutterstock

18.4 billion dinars have been provided for this minimum payment tranche. All employees of entrepreneurs, in small and medium-sized companies, according to our records, 1,018,863 of them, will receive 60 percent of the state minimum wage, that is, 18,000 dinars per employee. a total of 234,634 companies, “said Mali.

The minister pointed out that newly created companies, those that started their activity after March 15 and, at the latest, July 20, will receive two payments at the same time on September 21, that is, twice 18,000 dinars per employee.

There are 12,124 companies of this type, and so many dedicated accounts have been opened in the Tax Administration for the payment of the minimum wage.

Thanks to the help of the state, many employers have introduced a new practice in paying wages in two parts. Given that the state pays the last minimum today, for many workers it could mean a return to the old, that is, the return of full payment of wages.

The Minister of Finance recalled that the Government of the Republic of Serbia has launched the “My first salary” program, which is aimed at young people without work experience, and that the State invests two billion dinars in them, considering that they will receive 20,000 and 24,000, respectively, for nine months. dinars, depending on whether they have a high school or college degree.

In addition, I have already said that the most important thing is that pensions will go up in 2021, and salaries in the public sector will not be reduced. We are also fighting to raise the minimum wage to levels acceptable to employers and unions, and we will get away with that soon. “said Siniša Mali.
