According to political analyst Predrag Rajic, the latest event in Kosovo and Metohija tells us that the climate in Kosovo and Metohija is not working for Serbs.
Source: Kosovo online

The shooting of Serbian children near a school in Donja Brnjica near Pristina, as the latest in a series of incidents, has once again demonstrated the intentions of Kosovar Albanians towards Kosovo Serbs, who intend to expel Serbs from the area. and they no longer live there, he said. it is for Kosovo Online Rajic.
“That is why all those who defend the frozen conflict in central Serbia and who oppose the division of Kosovo and Metohija, are not really advocating for the survival of Kosovo in Serbia, but for the survival of the Albanian Kosovo.” If you are against division, you are not against de facto division. With the absence of division, it is actually contributing to the complete Albanian Kosovo being complete, “Rajic said.
In his opinion, Serbia now cannot think of returning all of Kosovo to its constitutional legal order in the foreseeable future, because, as he said, that is not realistic.
“We do not give up Kosovo and Metohija as our southern provinces, and absolutely no one questions that. We do not give up a single square meter. But, when we negotiate and when we try to do our tactics and make a joint national plan, then we must be realistic and rational, “said Rajic.
Unfortunately, as you said, the Kosmet division is no longer offered to us.
“As we can see, she is not on the table. We should fight for her to be on the table. What worries me is that even if she were on the table, a good part of our audience would reject it outright, although the division of Kosovo along ethnic lines would be the only solution that can permanently protect Serbs, at least in northern Kosovo and Metohija, “Rajić said.
He believes that the big problem is that since 1999, when Serbia capitulated militarily in Kosovo, there is no prerogative of his government there.
“And we cannot protect the Serbs either south or north of Ibar. It is a simple situation. I am afraid that many in central Serbia are sleeping loudly and quietly. They do not want to help state leaders deal with this problem. , and it is more than clear that recent events prove this and testify that there is no frozen conflict, that time does not work for Serbs there and that the situation can only get worse with time. There are fewer and fewer Serbs, and there is room to return at least part of our southern province to our constitutional and legal order. Time is running out and there is less and less room for something like this, “concluded Rajić.