We are not saying that you are a peasant from the Šabac area! Where do we both keep the sheep?


Singer Ivana Šašić expressed her opinion about many members of the cooperative without a hair on her tongue, Mišel Gvozdenović’s mother, Hana Gvozdenović, came to the studio and started shooting at her fellow citizen.

Ivana sasic
photo: Printscreen / Red Tv

– I would like to ask Mrs Sasic how she knows the Gvozdenovic family. What does she have against Michelle, who is supposedly her colleague? When we talk about you, we are not saying that you are a peasant from the Šabac area. I’m not ashamed of being from Sabac, I’m not from Gypsy, and that he’s a gypsy, what have you got against him?

– You are a diaper fly for Marija Kulić! While working, he fell. You are extremely rude, vain and jealous.

Ivana continued the story with the words that a certain Zivan was her friend, to which Michel’s mother reacted violently.

– What do I care about Zivan! Zivan bribed you! And how can you tell me who Zivan is? Hana asked.

Hana Gvozdenovic, Michel Gvozdenovic
photo: Printscreen / Premiere

– Hannah, you are so wrong! I am very sorry that they did not say goodbye from the beginning – replied the former cooperative member.

– You can only feel sorry for yourself. Zivan is not my family at all, why do you say Michelle is an uncle? How could he not say that Shaban is his relative, when you’ve already been talking so much?

Ivana didn’t want to fight and told Ms. Hani that she was wonderful.

Ivana sasic
photo: Printscreen / Red Tv

“Where do we both keep the sheep?” Asked Michelle’s mother, visibly disgusted.

– I did not take care of the sheep – Ivana added in the program “I ask for another.”

“Well I think so, you’re not going to get us out of your mouth,” Hana finished.

Ivana sasic
photo: Printscreen / Red Tv



delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
