Ninoslav Jovanović (48) from Malča is the first and only sentenced to life imprisonment, the most severe punishment prescribed for the worst criminals since 2019.
When Jovanovic received the news that he would spend the rest of his life behind bars due to the kidnapping of a twelve-year-old girl, a mystery remained, as he refused to go to court to pronounce a judicial decision. However, the most famous Serbian prisoner, Vucko Manojlovic, with a prison experience of up to 33 years, claims that difficult days await him in prison, because those who harmed children are hated even among prisoners.

On January 5, Jovanović was sentenced to life imprisonment for abducting a girl in the Nis settlement of Brzi Brod on December 20, 2019. He was arrested on January 5 last year in his hometown, as he has been in custody. , where he is safe because he is isolated from other prisoners. However, when the verdict is final, which is expected soon, Jovanovic will join the rest of the convicts when, as Manojlovic says, he will be bitter every day.
Vucko was sentenced to death because he killed prosecutor Dragomir Krstic in Leskovac in 1984, tried to take the life of examining magistrate Bratislav Gavrilovic, and was preparing the murder of Judge Mladen Jankovic. He blamed them for serving five years for a rape he claimed not to have committed. His death sentence was commuted to 40 years in prison in 2002, and he was released in 2013 when he was pardoned by decree.
– I had no problems with other prisoners, they even saw me as a hero because they hate the judiciary and the police, but that did not suit me. Regardless of what people think, believe me, there are many honorable people among the prisoners who do not look favorably on those who attack children. That is why Jovanović is going to have a lot of problems, because everyone sympathizes with that boy, he has a daughter, a sister, a niece at home … that emotion is triggered. Imagine 1,300 convicts, as many on average there are in Nis prison, and they all harass, curse, beat … The court guard will pretend not to see that because they also sympathize with the victim, many have so many children. And because of that, no matter how hard they try to be professional, they won’t be able to protect you. God help him – says Manojlović.
He adds that what is also very scary is the isolation.
– These people also suffer a boycott in prison, there are few who are going to talk to him … There are people like that, they are people who see something good in everyone, and have understanding, but there are not many. You will have no one to have lunch with, when you sit down at the table, the others will get up and leave. They will ignore it, it is a great torture, rarely anyone can bear it – says Manojlović.
He says the families have great support for the prisoners and that it will be even more difficult for Jovanović if he keeps his promise that he will never visit him.
– During my stay in prison, not a Saturday passed without my sisters visiting me, and that gave me the strength to endure. These visits are something that means a lot to every prisoner, because he knows that he was not left alone, explains the most famous Serbian prisoner.
Commenting on the fact that Jovanović was sentenced to life imprisonment, Manojlović says that the punishment is worse than death.

– While I was in prison, I read Dante several times, and believe me, I found myself in the nine circles of hell. When my death sentence was replaced by 40 years in prison, it didn’t make me happy at all. On the contrary, I thought that they punished me even more severely, long-term prison is much worse than death, because you are aware of what you have been denied. Life imprisonment, which leaves you with no hope of being a free man again, is the worst punishment, few can bear it without trying to end their suffering. It is much better to be in a grave than in prison – concludes Manojlović.
(Kurir.rs/Telegraf.rs, DK)

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