VUCIC ON THE TEXT OF “NOVOSTI”: We will not allow “Storm” in Kosovo


He commented on the text published by “Novosti” on the plan to organize provocations and attacks against the Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, in order to block the dialogue creating instability, stop the accusations against Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veselji, as well as sabotage the work of the Special Court of The Hague.

Vučić said that it is not easy for Serbia to protect the people in Kosovo and Metohija because it does not have effective control over the southern province, but that our state managed to save most of the people in the southern province with a smart policy and which will continue to do so:

– We will fight diplomatically, we will inform, we will warn. I want to believe in reason and in the fact that Albanians also understand that nothing is solved with weapons, but only with a cool head, conversations and compromises can we achieve a better life for both Serbs and Albanians.

“Novosti” announced yesterday that our security services informed state and military leaders that Albanian leaders in the southern province have been carrying out an action under the code name “Honor” since the beginning of September to avoid prosecution against the so-called president. Thaci from Kosovo and his partner Veselji, for the murder of almost a hundred people, war crimes, persecution and torture.

According to information from the security services, in the second phase of the operation, called “Katana”, attacks would be launched against Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, Thaci and Veselj would be publicly promoted and a special court would be contacted. with the Serbian and Russian services.


MANY observations from the EC report, said the president, can be corrected, but in addition to “correcting things”, there are also “policies”:

– When it comes to numbers and facts, then there are no lies or deception. You can’t cheat in the economy. That’s why the economy report is better.

Vučić also spoke yesterday about the European Commission report, saying that Serbia is willing to do a lot to improve what was assessed as negative. He said that a lot has already been done when it comes to the media and journalists:

– The police and the BIA are doing a fantastic job, because they react immediately to threats or insults to journalists, and that will be even more efficient. I am glad that there have not been murders and injuries of journalists in our country. It is important to show respect for the journalism profession, the right to ask a question, and a different attitude. I hope you allow me to say what I think.

Commenting on the EC’s observations on the judiciary, Vučić said he was not sure that the problem was in independence, “but more in efficiency”:

– We are fully ready to cooperate with the EU and see what we can correct. We will do many things and I think we will achieve better results in that regard.

Vučić stated that there were precise allegations about the rule of law in Serbia, which should be worked on, but considered a political objection that used the position of President of the Republic in the campaign for the parliamentary elections. He also asked why in 2008 there were no objections to the official campaign of the then president and leader of the DS, Boris Tadic:

– I understood that I was the problem and I accept the blame. When they say “you bought the Pancir air defense system”, I am to blame. I am also to blame for drones from China or what we will buy from Turkey.

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